Product lineup overview
Re-Joice freezer

Liquid Freezer ReJoice Freezer


High-quality thawing/freshness preservation warehouse Depak

Ice warehouse

Long-term storage refrigerator ice storage

freezing point ripening machine

Long-term storage refrigerator freezing point ripening machine

Freshness preservation electric field device “DENBA”

flash freezing freshness preserving electric field device “DENBA”

Customers' voices


A standard cart-in type (batch type) model.

It is used in factories to freeze various foodstuffs.

This model has a separate refrigerator and requires piping work.

*Custom-made machines designed to suit the food to be frozen, scale, cart used, etc. are also available.

Click here for the Artlock Freezer product page

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Reservation form

Reservations can also be made by phone.


(Working hours: Weekdays 9:30-18:00)

We are quick freezing specialists! Please feel free to contact us.


(Working hours: Weekdays 9:30-18:00)