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How to freeze enoki mushrooms and recipes 

Did you know that freezing enoki mushrooms improves their flavor?

Freezing breaks down the cells and releases the source of the umami flavor from within the enoki mushrooms.

Enoki ice made from frozen enoki mushrooms is also good for your diet.

We will explain the benefits, preservation methods, and recommended recipes for frozen enoki mushrooms.

Please read this article if you want to know more about enoki mushrooms and have tasty and practical some recipe ideas.

Benefits of freezing enoki mushrooms

Enoki mushroom

Better taste

Guanylic acid, the umami component of enoki mushrooms, increases through the action of enzymes trapped within the cells.

This enzyme does not work when cells are alive.

Freezing breaks down the cells and activates the enzymes, so the umami components such as guanylic acid increase by about 3 times compared to when it is not frozen.

Diet benefits

Mushroom chitosan contained in enoki mushrooms is a highly effective dieting ingredient that suppresses fat absorption and enhances fat burning.

Mushroom chitosan is contained in most mushrooms, but enoki mushrooms especially contain high amounts of it.

It is difficult for the body to absorb it as it is, but when enoki ice is made into a paste and frozen, the absorption rate is increased because the cells are broken down.

Since it is frozen, it can be stored for a long time and is easy to eat, making enoki ice a great addition for anyone that is dieting.

Longer storage time

Once you open the bag of enoki mushrooms, they will shrivel up quickly.

Since they are often sold at very low prices and in very big quantities, many people may have trouble storing them.

Freezing it will keep its shape and texture for over a month, which will prevent it from becoming shriveled and going bad.

How to freeze enoki mushrooms

Enoki mushroom

We will present two ways to freeze enoki ice, which is convenient for use in stir-fries, and another method​ ​to make enoki ice and freeze it, which is highly effective for dieting.

How to freeze enoki mushrooms raw

① Do not wash the enoki mushrooms, but remove the stems and then loosen them.

Removing and loosening the stone base

If you wash the enoki mushrooms, they will stick together when frozen, so freeze them when they are dry right out of the bag.

You can cut them short or leave them long, but please separate them one by one.

② Place it in a ziplock bag with air still inside, then wrap it in newspaper and put it in the refrigerator.

Wrapped in newspaper

Unlike other foods, mushrooms should be frozen slowly so that their cells break down and the umami components are released more easily.

③ After about an hour, take it out of the freezer, shake and rub it to break it up, and then put it back in the freezer.

Peeling off enoki mushrooms from a freezer bag

④ Once it is completely frozen, remove the air and store it in the freezer.

Frozen Enoki mushrooms

How to freeze and preserve enoki ice

① Remove the stems from the enoki mushrooms, then roughly cut into 3 equal parts.

Enoki mushrooms with their stems removed

② Pour into a colander and wash lightly.

Washing Enoki mushrooms in a colander

③ Put the same amount of water and enoki mushrooms into a blender and make a paste.

Enoki mushroom bag and measuring cup

④ Once it becomes a paste, put it in a pot and heat it.

Heating Enoki mushrooms in a pot

Heat for about 5 minutes, then turn off the heat when it is about to boil.

⑤ Transfer to the rice cooker, press the keep warm button, and keep warm for 1 hour.

Stewed enoki mushrooms in a rice cooker

You can boil it in a pot over low heat for an hour without burning it, but it's easier to use a rice cooker.

⑥ After 1 hour, turn off the thermos and let it cool down a bit, then put it in an ice cube tray and freeze it in the freezer.

Pouring stewed enoki mushrooms into ice cube trays

Once completely frozen, you can transfer it to a ziplock bag or store it in the freezer.

Ice cube tray and frozen enoki mushrooms

When using enoki ice for dieting purposes, the recommended amount is three cubes per day, so we recommend adding one to each of your three meals for example in soup, curry, stew, etc.

How to thaw enoki mushrooms and storage period

Enoki mushroom

How to defrost enoki mushrooms

Enoki mushrooms and enoki ice that have been frozen raw can also be used for cooking without thawing.

When defrosting enoki mushrooms, put them in a Tupperware container, wrap them in newspaper, and put them in the refrigerator to slowly thaw them, which will further break down the cells and improve the flavor.

If you use it after thawing, the umami flavor will be dissolved in the water that comes out when it thaws, so please use the water in the Tupperware for cooking as well.

Enoki mushroom storage period

Enoki mushrooms that have been frozen raw should be eaten within about a month.

If you make enoki ice, it can be stored for about 2 months.

Either way, it can be stored for a longer time than refrigerated storage, which can only be stored for about a week.

>> Click here for other methods of freezing mushrooms

A nutritionist explains the nutritional value of enoki mushrooms

Nutrients in Enoki Mushrooms

Nutritional value of enoki mushrooms
Enoki mushrooms are rich in dietary fiber and are rich in vitamins B1, B2, and niacin.
It is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, and also plays a role in keeping the digestive system healthy.
It also helps to prevent vascular disease and cancer.

diet support
Mushroom chitosan (chitoglucan) contained in enoki mushrooms has the effect of suppressing fat absorption in the small intestine and reducing body fat.
It is a very effective food for dieting.
In addition, B vitamins necessary for the metabolism and rich dietary fiber regulate the intestinal movements, which highly improves your metabolism.

Can enoki mushrooms be eaten raw?
Raw enoki mushrooms contain a protein called flamtoxin, which has a hemolytic effect and is dangerous to eat raw.
This ingredient breaks down when cooked, so be sure to cook it properly before eating.


Nutritionist Ruri

Obtained nutritionist qualifications from Toita Women's Junior College and graduated from the same university. After graduating from Kyorin University, she also obtained a qualification as a food hygiene manager. Currently at DayBreak Co., Ltd., she oversees various food freezing research and writing informative content about food. Her hobbies are traveling and hula dancing.

5 easy recipes using frozen enoki mushrooms

Miso soup with enoki mushrooms ice

Diet Miso Soup

えのき氷 3個
水 コップ1杯
味噌 小さじ1杯

1) Put the enoki ice in a small pot or a small frying pan for frying eggs and heat over low heat.
2) When the ice cubes start to melt and and heat up, add water and let it melt completely and bring to a boil.
3) Melt the miso paste in and bring to a boil.
4) Pour it into a bowl and enjoy.

You can also add green onions, wakame, wheat gluten, etc. to taste.

Oven or fish grill baked enok

冷凍エノキ 1袋分
オリーブオイル 小さじ1
ポン酢(しょうゆ) 小さじ1
塩レモン 輪切り2枚分

1) If you have time, wrap the frozen enoki mushrooms in aluminum foil and newspaper and put them in the refrigerator to slowly thaw. If you don't have time, you can use them while frozen.
2) Spread the aluminum foil, sprinkle olive oil and ponzu sauce on top of the enoki mushrooms, top with salted lemon, and seal tightly.
3) Bake in a fish grill or oven for 15-20 minutes and it's done.

If you use frozen enoki mushrooms, bake them for a little longer.

 Warm and steamed rice with enoki mushrooms ice

えのき氷 4個くらい(90ℊ)
米 3合
水 適量
刻み海苔 適量
しょう油 大さじ1
かつおだし 小さじ2
みりん 大さじ1
おろし生姜 小さじ2
塩 小さじ半分

1) Put the enoki ice in a heat-resistant container, heat it in the microwave, and thaw it.
2) Put the rice, drained in a colander, the thawed enoki ice and seasonings into the rice cooker pot, and mix together.
3) Add water up to the cooking line for 3 cups of rice and cook normally.
4) Pour into a bowl and top with chopped seaweed, and it's done.

Easy namul with frozen enoki mushrooms

冷凍エノキ 1パック分
ネギ 1/2本
だしの素 小さじ1
しょう油 小さじ1
おろし生姜 ひとつまみ
七味 お好みで
ごま油 小さじ1

1) Add frozen enoki mushrooms and roughly chopped green onions to a frying pan heated with sesame oil and stir-fry.
2) Add the seasonings and once the enoki mushrooms and green onions are cooked, it's ready.

Easy enoki mushroom potage soup

Enoki mushroom potage soup

えのき氷 3つ
玉ねぎ 1/4個分
水 200㏄ 
牛乳 100㏄
顆粒コンソメ 小さじ1.5
塩 少々
ブラックペッパー 少々
乾燥パセリ 少々

1) Finely chop the onion and place it with water in a small pot and bring to a boil.
2) Once the spiciness of the onions has evaporated and you can smell its sweet aroma, lower the heat and add the granulated consommé, enoki ice, and milk.
3) Once the enoki ice has melted and brought to a boil, season with salt and black pepper.
4) Serve in a bowl, sprinkle with dried parsley and it's done.


As you can see, it is fairly easy to store your enoki mushrooms in the freezer without sacrificing its quality.

Enoki mushrooms are not only tasty, but they are healthy and cheap, and their umami flavor develops when they are frozen.

Enoki ice, which is used for its dietary effects, has a long shelf life and is easy to use.

Please try freezing enoki mushrooms to unlock all of their flavor and their health benefits.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, he became certified as a registered dietitian, and is currently in charge of the lab team manager at DayBreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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