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Explaining how to freeze Maitake mushrooms, their nutritional value, and recipes! [Explanation with photos! ]

Did you know that Maitake mushrooms taste better when frozen?

Some people think that freezing reduces the taste, but maitake mushrooms are a compatible ingredient that becomes even more umami when frozen. Freezing also extends the shelf life, so it is a great way to kill two birds with one stone as it can be stored deliciously for a long time.

If you don't know about freezing maitake mushrooms, you might not only miss the opportunity to eat them deliciously, but also end up not being able to finish them and having to throw them away.

This website, which specializes in food freezing, introduces how to freeze maitake mushrooms. In addition, we will introduce recipes using frozen Maitake mushrooms and nutritional comments provided by a nutritionist, so you won't have to throw anything away and you can feed your family delicious meals.

So, please read till the end and learn how to eat Maitake mushrooms deliciously without wasting any waste.

Advantages of freezing maitake mushrooms

Maitake mushrooms lined up in a metal bat

As I introduced at the beginning, maitake mushrooms are an ingredient that goes well with freezing. Some of you may be wondering what kind of good things actually happen.

First, I will explain the benefits of freezing Maitake mushrooms.

Freezing enhances the flavor

By freezing Maitake mushrooms, you can enhance the natural umami and flavor of the food.

This applies not only to maitake mushrooms but to all mushrooms, but freezing causes the cells in the food to be destroyed and a deeper flavor oozes out. In other words, you can enjoy the flavor of maitake mushrooms better if you freeze them rather than using refrigerated ones.

Free yourself from worries about expiration dates

"I bought these Maitake mushrooms three days ago, but I wonder if they're still edible..."
"The cap has turned a little black, but it's not rotten, right?"

I think everyone has thought about it at least once. When stored in a regular refrigerator, it is difficult to judge how long it can be eaten and when it should not be eaten.

If you store it in the freezer, you won't have to worry about it spoiling, so you won't have to worry about whether it will upset your stomach if you eat it. Additionally, there is a guideline for the storage period of ``within XX days,'' which makes it much easier to judge whether ``I can still eat this.''

By freezing Maitake mushrooms in this way, you will be able to preserve the delicious Maitake mushrooms for a longer period of time. Now, I will explain how to freeze maitake mushrooms with photos.

Freezing storage method

There are two ways to freeze maitake mushrooms: raw and frozen. I will explain each one.

When storing raw

1) Tear the maitake mushrooms by hand and separate them into florets. If there are any stones, cut them off with a knife.

Cut and store the maitake mushrooms

★The important point at this time is not to wash the mushrooms with water (because mushrooms are mycelia, their texture changes when they come in contact with water). If there is any moisture or dirt, it is best to wipe it gently with kitchen paper.

2) Wrap it in plastic wrap, put it in a freezer bag, and freeze it.

Seal the maitake mushrooms and freeze them for storage.

★We also recommend making your own mushroom mix by combining it with other mushrooms.

When cooking and storing

1) Tear the maitake mushrooms by hand and divide into bite-sized pieces.

Cut the maitake mushrooms and freeze them

2) Fry in a frying pan with oil until lightly browned. At this time, season according to the purpose of the dish.

Cooking and preserving maitake mushrooms

3) Once cooked, remove from heat, wrap in plastic wrap, and freeze in a freezer bag.

Seal the cooked mushrooms and freeze them for storage.

Thawing method and storage period

How to defrost Maitake mushrooms and storage period

As you have seen so far, there are two ways to freeze Maitake mushrooms. Choose one depending on how you want to use it when thawed and freeze it.

I hope you understand that freezing Maitake mushrooms will keep them delicious and for a long time. From here, we will introduce how to thaw frozen Maitake mushrooms and how long they can be eaten.

How to defrost maitake mushrooms

Maitake mushrooms that have been frozen can be used for cooking while still frozen (you can also defrost them naturally if you prefer).

If you want to add it to stir-fries or soups, you can use it as is, but if you want to add it to salads, it's best to freeze it and boil it before using.

Maitake storage period

Frozen Maitake mushrooms have a shelf life of 1 month (about 30 days).

If you keep it refrigerated for about 3 to 4 days, you can keep it for about 10 times that period.

We recommend writing the date of freezing on the freezer bag so that you can easily know the expiration date.

>> 3 points to keep in mind when preserving vegetables

A nutritionist explains! About nutrition

Maitake mushrooms contain many nutrients such as potassium, zinc, vitamin B2, niacin, and dietary fiber.

Of particular interest is beta-glucan, which has anticancer effects. Beta-glucan is found in mushrooms, but the one extracted from Maitake mushrooms is called the MD-fraction, and is attracting attention for its high effects.

How to choose Maitake mushrooms
1. Items with thick and glossy caps
2. Items that are dark in color and likely to snap and break when touched.
3. Large plants with white stems and elasticity.

effective way to eat
Maitake mushrooms cannot be eaten raw, so they must be cooked first before eating. Also, since it has a strong aroma, please adjust the amount according to other ingredients when cooking.


When boiled, the dye that flows out will turn the broth black, so if you want to prevent that from happening, it's a good idea to blanch it beforehand.

meal combination
Maitake mushrooms contain maitake protease, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, so they go well with meat dishes.

Meal combinations that provide efficient nutrition

Beta-glucan has the function of reducing bad cholesterol and breaking down triglycerides, and protein creates supple blood vessels.

Nutritionist Ruri

Obtained nutritionist qualifications from Toita Women's Junior College and graduated from the same university. After graduating from Kyorin University, she also obtained a qualification as a food hygiene manager. Currently at DayBreak Co., Ltd., she oversees various food freezing research and writing informative content about food. Her hobbies are traveling and hula dancing.

5 easy recipes using maitake mushrooms

So far, we have introduced how to freeze and thaw Maitake mushrooms. You might be wondering what kind of dishes you can make with frozen Maitake mushrooms.

We will introduce five carefully selected recipes.

Stir-fried maitake mushrooms and bacon in butter

Stir-fried maitake mushrooms and bacon in butter


・舞茸 100g(冷凍したものをそのまま調理)
・ベーコン 2枚
・バター 20g
・塩こしょう 少々

<How to make>
1) Cut the maitake mushrooms into pieces one by one, and cut the bacon into 3cm wide pieces.
★Maitake mushrooms can be frozen raw or stir-fried and frozen.

2) Melt the butter in a hot frying pan and fry the maitake mushrooms and bacon in that order.

3) Season with salt and pepper and it's done.

Pizza toast using maitake mushrooms

easy recipe pizza toast

・食パン 1枚
・オリーブオイル 小さじ1
・ピザソース 大さじ1
・まいたけ 5~6切れ(生で冷凍したものをそのまま使用)
・ウィンナー 1本
・プチトマト 2個
・とろけるチーズ 少々
・ブラックペッパー 少々

<How to make>
1) Separate the maitake mushrooms one by one, cut the sausages into rings, and cut the cherry tomatoes in half.

2) Spread olive oil and pizza sauce on the bread.

3) Place (1) on top of the bread, sprinkle with cheese and black pepper.

4) Toast (3) in a toaster until it's done (just enough to melt the cheese).

Maitake mushroom rice

Easy recipe for cooked rice

・お米 2合
・まいたけ 1株(生で冷凍したものを凍ったまま使用)
・にんじん 1/3本
・めんつゆ 大さじ2
・みりん 大さじ2
・砂糖 大さじ1
・だし汁 450㏄

<How to make>
1) Cut the maitake mushrooms into pieces and cut the carrots into strips.

2) Add maitake mushrooms, carrots, mentsuyu, mirin, sugar, and 100ml of dashi stock to a frying pan and simmer for about 3 minutes.

3) Set the pre-sharpened rice in the rice cooker and add (2) and the remaining 350 cc of stock. At this time, if the liquid is less than 2 cups, add water.

4) Turn on the rice cooker and you're done.

Maitake and beaten egg soup

Maitake and beaten egg soup


・まいたけ 50g程度(生で冷凍したものをそのまま使用)
・卵 2個
・長ねぎ 10cm程度
・水 500㏄
・鶏がらスープ 小さじ2
・しょうゆ 小さじ2
・塩こしょう 少々

<How to make>
1) Separate the maitake mushrooms one by one, and cut the green onions into rings.

2) Put water and chicken stock in a pot, and when it boils, add (1) and boil again.

3) Add the beaten eggs and leave for a while, then stir.

4) Finally, add soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste and it's done.

Stir-fried maitake mushrooms and eggs

Stir-fried maitake mushrooms and eggs


・豚肉 150g
・舞茸 100g(生or炒めて冷凍、どちらでも可)
・キャベツ 1/6玉
・卵 2個
・鶏がらスープ 大さじ1
・しょうゆ 大さじ1
・塩こしょう 少々
・ごま油 適量

<How to make>
1) Maitake mushrooms can be frozen raw or stir-fried and frozen. It doesn't matter how you unzip it. Break them apart one by one.

2) Cut the pork and cabbage into bite-sized pieces.

3) Put the pork in a hot frying pan, and when it is browned, add the cabbage and maitake mushrooms and stir-fry.

4) When the vegetables become soft, add the chicken broth and soy sauce.

5) Pour the beaten eggs into the empty space in the frying pan and stir-fry lightly with the other ingredients until half-cooked.

6) Finally, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with sesame oil if desired.


We introduced how to freeze Maitake mushrooms, how long they can be stored, and some carefully selected recipes using frozen Maitake mushrooms. What do you think?

If you don't know how to freeze food, you may not be able to eat it all and end up throwing it away, but by freezing it, you can preserve it even more deliciously for a longer period of time.

Make use of frozen Maitake mushrooms and eat them deliciously without wasting any waste.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, he became certified as a registered dietitian, and is currently in charge of the lab team manager at DayBreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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