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Introducing how to freeze soup with photos! Storage period, thawing method, recipe published

“I want to make and store soup in large quantities!”
``I made too much soup, so I want to save it.''

You do not have this experience?

When you try to make delicious soup, it takes a lot of time and effort to simmer various ingredients for a long time. I think there are some people who want to make and save a lot of time-consuming items at once.

In fact, the shelf life varies greatly depending on storage conditions. If the environment is at room temperature and the environment is bad, it may rot in half a day. This time-consuming soup can be stored for a long time by freezing it properly.

This website, which specializes in food freezing, will show you how to freeze soup with step-by-step photos.

In addition, we will introduce useful tricks and techniques, how to thaw soup, and how long it can be stored.

Learn how to freeze soup and make the most of your delicious soup.

Advantages of freezing soup

Advantages of freezing soup

You can shorten the simmering time and cooking effort.

It is convenient because it can shorten the time and effort required to cook homemade stock and vegetable ingredients.

Soups like potage soups, which require many steps such as frying, boiling, and mashing the ingredients, or soups that contain a lot of ingredients (especially soups that use root vegetables that take a long time to boil) take time to make, so they can be eaten immediately. We recommend storing it in the freezer.

You can eat it right away when you want to use it.

Soup can be portioned and stocked, making it convenient for when you want to use it for cooking, baby food for children, or when you want to prepare a single serving for breakfast.

In the second half, we will also introduce a simple and easy way to stock up on small portions.

Freezing soup in this way saves time and makes it convenient to use. So, how should you freeze it?

Here we will show you how to freeze soup.

Freezing method

There are two ways to freeze soup: `` Put it in a Tupperware bag and freeze it'' and ``Put it in a Ziploc bag and freeze it.''

Either option is fine, but if you want to defrost it quickly, we recommend storing it in a bag. (It's convenient because it can be made thin and flat when frozen, and you can add division lines.)

1) Remove the heat from the soup.
2) Pour the amount of soup you will use at a time into a storage container. Let's remove as much air as possible.

*When putting it in a bag, it will be easier to work by folding the mouth to the opposite side and standing it upright before pouring.

unfold the bag

*When the soup is frozen, it expands a little (increases in bulk). Therefore, keep about 80% of the total amount in the storage container.

*After freezing, it becomes difficult to see the color of the ingredients and soup, so we recommend writing the name of the soup on the bag or Tupperware. You won't get lost.

Write the type on the bag

3) If you put them in a bag, flatten them as much as possible, line them up on a metal tray so they don't overlap, and put them in the freezer.

Seal and freeze on metal trays

If you put it in a Tupperware, put it in the freezer on a metal tray.

[Tips for when you want to take it out in small pieces when you put it in a bag]
If you want to use it in small portions, such as when you want to use it for baby food, make a line in the storage bag with a pair of chopsticks or a knife when it is partially thawed, then break it at the line and use only the amount you want. I can.

Store frozen soup in portions

save in small portions

It is also convenient to freeze it in an ice cube tray and use it in smaller portions. Once frozen, you can conveniently increase your stock by removing it from the ice cube tray and transferring it to a ziplock bag.

Soup not suitable for freezing

Ingredients that are not suitable for storage

Soup that is not suitable for freezing depends on the ingredients inside and their sizes. The ingredients introduced below are typical foods that lose their texture when frozen.

・Potato (not crushed)
・Tofu (uncrushed)

Please do not freeze soups that use ingredients that are not suitable for freezing. The texture will change significantly after thawing, which will spoil the deliciousness of the soup.

As an example of the texture after thawing, ``potatoes'' have a crumbly, spongy texture after thawing, and ``konjac'' has a hard, rubbery texture after thawing. It will be.

Thawing method and storage period

Introducing thawing methods and storage period

How to defrost soup

The method for defrosting soup is as follows.

1) The day before you want to eat it, move it to the refrigerator to partially defrost it. You can also partially thaw it by soaking it in a bowl of water.
2) Once it has thawed until crispy, break it up and heat it slowly in a pot, or put it in a plate and heat it in the microwave to defrost it.

Be careful not to heat it too much, as the ingredients will become mushy.

Soup shelf life

The shelf life of the soup is approximately 1 month. Freezing allows for long-term storage, but it cannot be stored forever. Therefore, try to eat it within one month.

Soup recipes that can be frozen

Easy and simple melty onion soup

Melting onion soup


It's a very simple soup, but the onions are melty and bring out the sweetness, giving it an elaborate feel. Because it is a simple menu, it is easy to arrange, so please try arranging it to your own taste.

☑材料 (2〜3人分)
玉ねぎ 2個
バター 20g
水 500ml
コンソメ 小さじ1
塩コショウ 少々

<How to make>
1) Cut the onion into thin slices perpendicular to the fibers.
2) Heat 1) in a 600W microwave for 5 minutes.
3) Put the butter in a hot pan, add the onions, and fry over low to medium heat for about 10 minutes, being careful not to burn them. Fry until the onions turn amber color.
4) Add water and consommé to 3), bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for about 5 minutes.
5) Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Very popular ☆Chinese cabbage and meatball soup pot

Chinese cabbage and meatball soup pot


Soup like a pot. It's also perfect when you're hungry. Meatballs can also be frozen, so you can use them as stock when you have a lot of Chinese cabbage.

☑材料 (たっぷり3人分)
■豚ひき肉 200g
■塩 小さじ1/4
■片栗粉 大さじ3
■ごま油 大さじ1
■おろしにんにく 少々
■おろししょうが 少々
■醤油 小さじ1/2
■水 大さじ2
■長葱 みじん切り 約5cm
白菜 1/4個
春雨 50g
鶏ガラスープの素 大さじ1強
酒 大さじ2
醤油 大さじ1
塩 適量
ごま油 大さじ1
千切りしょうが 1かけ

<How to make>
1) Put ■ in a bowl and knead well. Cut the Chinese cabbage into bite-sized pieces.
2) Heat oil in a pan and fry the shredded ginger. When it smells fragrant, add the core of the Chinese cabbage and stir-fry, then add the leaves at different times, sprinkle with sake, and stir-fry.
3) Add water and chicken stock to 2). Once it boils, roll the meatball dough into a suitable size and place it in the pot.
4) Once the ingredients are cooked, add soy sauce and salt to taste. To finish, add the vermicelli and add flavor with sesame oil.
5) Finish when the vermicelli becomes soft (it tastes better if you add the vermicelli when it thaws)

Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup


The hidden flavor of soy sauce is innovative ♪ This is a pumpkin consumption recipe. It's surprisingly easy to make, but it's a soup you'll be happy to see on the table.

玉ねぎ 半分
バター 20g
☆水 350ml
☆コンソメ 1個
☆砂糖 小さじ1
☆しょうゆ 小さじ1/2
牛乳 300〜350ml

<How to make>
Use frozen grapes with their skins on.
1) Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and pulp, and cut into appropriate size pieces.
2) Melt the butter in a hot pan, add the onion slices and fry over medium-low heat until softened.
3) Add the ☆ seasonings and pumpkin to 2) and simmer. Cook over medium heat until the pumpkin is cooked through. (about 10 to 15 minutes)
4) Once cooked, mix well with a blender until smooth. If you don't have a blender, you can also use a masher or mixer.
5) Add milk to step 4) and mix well over low heat to complete.

Chinese tomato and egg soup

Chinese tomato and egg soup


Tomatoes are surprisingly safe to freeze. Make sure to get plenty of lycopene (a nutrient from tomatoes) with this beautifully colored soup. A Chinese soup flavored with sesame oil.

☑材料 (2人分)
卵 1個
鶏がらスープの素 小さじ1
水 400cc
塩 小さじ1/2
こしょう 少々
胡麻油 大さじ1
∇片栗粉 小さじ2

<How to make>
1) Break the eggs. Cut the tomatoes into wedges.
2) Dissolve ∇ to make water-soluble potato starch.
3) Pour water into a pot, add chicken stock and bring to a boil. Add the tomatoes and boil for 2-3 minutes.
4) Add the water-soluble potato starch to 3) and season with salt and pepper.
5) Add the beaten egg to 4). Once the eggs are cooked, turn off the heat and stir in the sesame oil to bring out the aroma and it's done.

easy! Vichyssoise (potato soup)

Vichyssoise (potato soup)


Perfect for summer! Cold vichyssoise. Potatoes are not suitable for freezing, but you can freeze them by mixing them in a blender! You can defrost it and eat it as is, or you can eat it after cooling it.

☑材料 (4人分)
◆じゃがいも 2個
◆玉ねぎ 半分
◆バター 10g〜15g
◆塩コショウ 適量
白ワイン  大さじ1
コンソメ 1個
水 200cc
牛乳 300〜400cc
セロリ(お好みで) 1/2本

<How to make>
1) Add the ingredients ◆, cover with a lid, and heat over medium-low heat for about 2 minutes.
2) Open the lid, add the alcohol and stir-fry lightly. Once stir-fried, add consommé and water, cover and heat over medium heat.
3) When the potatoes become a little soft, turn off the heat and let them cool down a little.
4) Add 3) to a mixer. Add milk until it becomes thick, then return it to the pot.
5) Add the desired amount of milk. Please adjust the density to your preference. Heat over medium heat, stirring to avoid boiling.
6) Once it comes to a gentle boil, turn off the heat and season with salt and pepper.


What did you think.

As long as you are careful about the ingredients, you can freeze soup easily and without much effort. Also, if you store it in a bag, you can store the frozen bag upright and save it in the freezer without taking up much space. It's interesting to see soups with different flavors lined up.

Try stocking up on soups that have the flavor and nutrition of the ingredients, and use them to manage your health and save time for everyday meals.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, he became certified as a registered dietitian, and is currently in charge of the lab team manager at DayBreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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