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[Can it be frozen? ] How to freeze mashed potatoes, how long they can be stored, and how to use them

Did you know that it is convenient to freeze mashed potatoes?

Potatoes are highly nutritious and easy to use, but it can be a bit of a hassle to use them in mash form for croquettes or potato salad.

For such people, we recommend freezing mashed potatoes that are washed, peeled, boiled, mashed, and seasoned to keep on hand.

If you have frozen mashed potatoes on hand, there are many ways to arrange them, not just potato salad or croquettes.

We will introduce the useful frozen mashed potatoes in detail, from how to make them, how to freeze and thaw them, how long they can be stored, and even modified recipes.

Advantages of freezing mashed potatoes

Advantages of freezing mashed potatoes

Convenient to make in bulk

Freezing mashed potatoes is convenient because you can make a lot of them at once.

The process of making mashed potatoes, which involves peeling, boiling, and mashing potatoes, is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

If you can freeze food, you can do time-consuming tasks all at once when you have time.

It is also useful when you want to increase the volume of your dishes or when you don't have enough items.

Expanding the range of cuisines

By freezing mashed potatoes, you can expand your cooking options.

You can use it as is, or you can customize the taste with powdered cheese, curry powder, etc.

It can also be used as an ingredient in gyoza and spring rolls, and can also be enjoyed in a gratin style, baked or fried.

Also, by adding it when soup or curry is not thick enough, it will add richness and thicken it deliciously.

How to make mashed potatoes for freezing

1) Wash and peel 2 potatoes and heat until soft.

heat the potatoes

2) While it's still hot, put it in a pot and mash it until smooth, then add 50ml of fresh cream, 25ℊ of butter, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, and a little pepper and mix.

mash the potatoes

3) Heat over low heat while stirring with a wooden spatula, being careful not to burn the mixture, and heat until it becomes sticky and it's done.

mix while heating

How to freeze mashed potatoes

1) Once the mashed potatoes have cooled down, wrap each batch in plastic wrap tightly and flatly.

Store mashed potatoes by wrapping them in plastic wrap

2) Place in an airtight container such as a Ziploc bag, making sure not to overlap, remove the air, and freeze.

Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for storage

Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze for storage

If you freeze the food as quickly as possible at the lowest possible temperature, it will retain its delicious taste, so it is a good idea to place it in a metal bat or aluminum foil with good heat conductivity, or place an ice pack on top.

How to thaw mashed potatoes and how long to store them

How long can frozen mashed potatoes be stored?

How to unzip

Defrost mashed potatoes in a short time.

When you thaw it naturally, water will come out, so take it out and heat it in the microwave or use it as is for cooking.

It will be even more delicious if you reheat it in a pot and add milk, salt, and pepper to taste.

If you want to have it as a side dish, you can just heat it up in the microwave.

Storage period

Frozen mashed potatoes can be stored for about 1 month.

As time passes, water tends to come out and it gradually deteriorates, so if you want to enjoy it deliciously, please use it up as soon as possible.

If it has deteriorated, you can re-cook it using the arrangement recipe and enjoy it deliciously.

5 Recipes Using Frozen Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potato DE time saving! Instant potage soup

・冷凍マッシュポテト 50ℊ
・粉チーズ 小さじ1
・牛乳 150㎖
・塩コショウ 少々
・水溶き片栗粉 小さじ1

<How to make>
1) Heat a small pot containing milk over low heat, add frozen mashed potatoes and grated cheese, and melt.
2) Adjust the taste with salt and pepper, add potato starch dissolved in water to thicken it, and it's ready.
If you like, you can garnish with dried parsley, black pepper, croutons, bacon chips, etc. to make it even more delicious.

Mashed potatoes are transformed! gorgeous pizza

gorgeous pizza

・冷凍マッシュポテト 300ℊ
・卵 1個
・片栗粉 大さじ3
・塩 少々
・サラダ油 大さじ1
・お好みの具材 適量
・ピザ用チーズ 130ℊ
・オリーブオイル 大さじ2
・ケチャップ 大さじ2

<How to make>
1) Defrost the frozen mashed potatoes by heating them in the microwave, then let them cool.
2) Cut your favorite ingredients into bite-sized pieces.
3) Add eggs, potato starch, and salt to 1) and mix well.
4) Spread a thin layer of 3) in a frying pan heated with salad oil and fry one side over medium heat until crispy.
5) Pour olive oil into another frying pan and fry 2).
6) Use a plate or lid to flip 4) over and while cooking the other side, spread ketchup on it and top with half the cheese.
7) Place the ingredients in 5) in a colorful manner, sprinkle the remaining cheese on top, cover and bake on low heat for about 10 minutes and it's done.
Try out a variety of ingredients, including onions, green peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, broccoli, corn, tuna, sausage, bacon, and seafood.
Instead of ketchup, you can also spread it with meat sauce, pizza sauce, teriyaki sauce, leftover curry roux, etc.

Also for lunch boxes! Grilled potato meat and cheese

・冷凍マッシュポテト 適量
・ミートソース 適量
・ピザ用チーズ 適量

<How to make>
1) Thaw frozen mashed potatoes in the microwave.
2) Place 1) in a heat-resistant container, cover with meat sauce, and then top with cheese.
3) Bake in a toaster oven or fish grill until golden brown and it's done.
Garnishing with basil will enhance both the taste and appearance.
If you want to use it as a lunch box, please put it in an aluminum cup.

Good whether fried or baked! easy potato mochi

・冷凍マッシュポテト 50ℊ
・水溶き片栗粉 大さじ4の片栗粉を200㏄の水で溶いたもの
・スライスチーズ(とろけないタイプがおすすめ) 4枚
・麺つゆ 大さじ2
・海苔 お好みで
・サラダ油 適量

<How to make>
1) Heat the frozen mashed potatoes in the microwave to defrost them and remove the heat.
2) Add potato starch dissolved in water and mix well to form a dough.
3) Divide the dough into 8 equal parts and roll out into a circle about 10cm in diameter.
4) Fold the cheese cut in half in half to form a square in the center of the dough.
5) Fold the dough and wrap it carefully so that the cheese is not visible.
6) Arrange them in an oiled frying pan, cover with a lid, and steam-fry over low heat.
7) Fry until the sides become translucent and both sides are browned, turning them over.
8) When it's cooked, add the mentsuyu and stir until it's cooked down a little.
9) Arrange on a plate, top with seaweed if you like, and it's done.
You can also make it in step 5, fry it in oil, sprinkle it with soy sauce, and sandwich it between seaweed.

Nutritious sweets! fluffy pancakes

・ホットケーキミックス 200ℊ
・牛乳 160㎖
・冷凍マッシュポテト 200ℊ

<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen mashed potatoes in the microwave and let them cool.
2) Mix pancake mix and milk 1).
3) Pour the batter into the frying pan and fry it on both sides and it's done.
You can also add boiled and finely chopped carrots, leafy vegetables, broccoli, corn, etc. in step 2 to make it delicious.


How do you freeze mashed potatoes and how do you make different recipes?

The key to making mashed potatoes for freezing is to mash them smoothly and make them soft.

We recommend freezing mashed potatoes made in bulk.

Divide into individual servings, wrap in plastic wrap to prevent exposure to air, and freeze quickly at low temperatures.

Frozen mashed potatoes are convenient and can be arranged in a variety of ways, so please give them a try.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, I became certified as a registered dietitian, and am currently in charge of the lab team manager at Daybreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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