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How to freeze apples and what is their nutritional value? Perfect for baby food! [Explanation with photos! ]

Have you ever frozen apples?

Apples are easy to digest, so even babies who have just started weaning can eat them.

Many people eat grated apples when they have a cold.

Apples are recommended when you are constipated or have an upset stomach, as they contain pectin, which has a calming effect on the intestines.

Apples are useful in many ways, but have you ever been sent a whole box from the countryside and couldn't eat all of them?

Freezing apples is convenient when you have a lot of apples to store, or when grating them is a hassle.

Introducing how to freeze apples that can be used as baby food and 5 recommended recipes.

Advantages and disadvantages of freezing apples

apple baby food

You can store baby food that is eaten little by little in bulk.

By dividing the grated apples into small portions and storing them in the freezer, you can save yourself the trouble of making baby food.

Sweet and nutritious, apples are a convenient baby food that can be used from the beginning.

One serving for a baby is a very small amount.

Mom gets tired of eating leftover apples every day.

Therefore, we recommend grating a whole apple and storing it in the freezer.

Freezing grated apples is convenient because you can eat them immediately by simply heating them in the microwave.

can maintain nutrition

By freezing apples, you can slow down the rate at which nutrients are lost.

Grated apples in particular lose water-soluble vitamins as the water evaporates.

Frozen apples may have higher nutritional value than apples that have been stored at room temperature or refrigerated for a long time.

However, water-soluble vitamins and water-soluble dietary fiber have the property of dissolving in water.

The water that comes out when grated or thawed contains plenty of nutrients, so please use the water that comes out as well.

Enjoy new textures

When apples are frozen, they lose their original crunchy texture, but some people find the texture delicious.

If you like boiled apples, give this a try.

By freezing apples that have become less delicious over time, the texture will no longer be an issue and you can enjoy them even more deliciously.

When making apple jam or compote, you can save time by using frozen apples.

How to freeze apples

Freezing apples

How to freeze grated food

1) Wash the apples thoroughly, peel them, and remove the seeds.

grated apple

2) After grating the apple, add lemon juice.
Lemon juice is for preventing oxidation, so if you don't mind discoloration, you don't need to add it.

Freezing apples

3) Place it in a ziplock bag and flatten it.

Freezing apples

4) Turn on rapid freezer of the refrigerator or the freezer setting to quickly freeze at a low temperature.
Placing a metal bat or aluminum foil is another key to freezing the food faster and at a lower temperature.

Freezing apples

5) After about 2 to 3 hours, when it becomes semi-frozen, divide it into batches and return it to the freezer again.

semi-frozen apple

How to freeze it as is

1) Wash the apples thoroughly.

Freeze apples as they are

2) Wipe off the moisture.

Wipe the moisture off the apple

3) Wrap it in aluminum foil and freeze it at the lowest temperature possible by using rapid freezer of your refrigerator or turning the freezer setting to high. CIMG8215 CIMG8219

Wrap apple in aluminum foil

rapid freezing apples

*If you freeze it whole, the cells will break down and it will have a compote-like texture.
If you want to freeze it without taking up space in the freezer, you can cut it in half or quarters, then put it in a ziplock bag and freeze it.

How to thaw frozen apples and storage period

How to thaw frozen apples

thawed apple

Frozen apples can be eaten as is, just like sherbet.

If you are using it for baby food or as a secret ingredient in curry, you can heat it as is.

If you freeze a whole apple, place it on a plate and let it thaw naturally (the water will come out) before cutting it.

The water that comes out when thawing contains nutrients, so be sure to take some of that water with you.

Frozen and thawed apples can be easily peeled by hand.

If you are concerned, please peel the skin before eating.

Storage period of frozen apples

Frozen apples have a shelf life of about one month.

If you grate it, it will only last for about 2 days in the refrigerator, so freezing it is convenient.

Defrosted apples have broken cells, making it easy for bacteria to grow, so please cook them immediately or eat them as soon as possible.

5 recipes using frozen apples

Add some sweetness with frozen apples! Pakupaku apple gayu

frozen apple gayu


・すり下ろしてから冷凍したりんご 適量
・おかゆ 適量

<How to make>
1) Add frozen apples to the porridge according to the age of the month.
2) Heat thoroughly in the microwave, keeping an eye on it.
3) Once cooled to a temperature that is comfortable to eat, it is ready.
You can also use pangayu instead of porridge to make it delicious.

Baby food with frozen apples! Tea towel squeezing of apples and sweet potatoes

Squeezing apples for baby food

・さつまいも 100ℊ
・冷凍りんご 1/4切れ分
・水 大さじ1
・砂糖(お好みで) 小さじ1

<How to make>
1) Boil and mash the sweet potatoes.
2) Use grated and frozen apples, or if you want to preserve the texture, grate half of the apples and dice the other half.
3) Put 2) and water into a small pot and bring to a simmer over low heat.
4) When adding sugar, add it after the apples are cooked through and simmer over low heat until it dissolves.
5) Mix mashed sweet potatoes and boiled apples.
6) Squeeze it into a tea towel shape with plastic wrap and it's done.
Bite-sized pieces make it easier to grab and eat with your hands.

Delicious with frozen apples! Stomach-friendly smoothie

frozen apple smoothie


・冷凍りんご 1/2個分
・冷凍バナナ 1本
・冷凍みかん 3粒
・水 100㎖
・無糖ヨーグルト スプーン山盛り2杯

<How to make>
1) Add the fruit and water to a blender.
2) Add yogurt and mix until it's ready.
You can also use strawberries instead of frozen mandarin oranges.

You can do it without an oven! Easy frozen apple tart

Easy frozen apple tart


✩パン粉 50ℊ
✩薄力粉 50ℊ
✩ココナッツオイル(無ければサラダ油でも可) 大さじ2
✩牛乳 硬さを見て適宜
・冷凍りんご 適量
・ホットケーキミックス 100ℊ
・砂糖 大さじ2
・水 80㏄
・ココナッツオイル(無ければサラダ油でも可) 大さじ1
・グラニュー糖 適

<How to make>
1) Put the ingredients ✩ into a plastic bag and mix together.
2) Once it is completely mixed, press it onto the tart plate and bake it in a toaster for 15 minutes to create a tart base.
3) Spread frozen apples sliced into easy-to-eat pieces on the tart board.
4) Mix pancake mix, sugar, water, and coconut oil (1 tablespoon) in a bowl.
When measuring the water, add the water that comes out when the apples are thawed so that the total is 80cc.
5) Pour the batter from 4) into 3) and heat in the microwave for about 4 minutes.
6) Sprinkle with granulated sugar and cinnamon, then toast in the toaster until browned and it's done.

Gorgeous with frozen apples! rose apple pie

Apple Pie

・冷凍パイ生地 1枚
・冷凍りんご 1個
・シナモンパウダー お好みで
・砂糖 大さじ2
・塩 少々

<How to make>
1) Cut frozen apples into thin slices with the skin on, put them in a pot, and boil them with sugar.
2) Once it boils, turn off the heat and let it cool, sprinkle with cinnamon powder and mix.
3) Remove the frozen puff pastry from the freezer and let it sit for 5 minutes, then stretch it out a little and then cut it into 10 equal pieces.
4) Place 3 apples on a pastry sheet and roll them up to form a rose shape.
5) Place them one by one in an aluminum cup and shape them into a rose shape.
6) Bake in an oven preheated to 200℃ for 15 minutes, then heat to 180℃ and bake for another 15 minutes, and it's done.


How about freezing apples and recommended recipes?

I'm glad that it's easy to digest and can be eaten by everyone from babies to sick people.

If you grate an apple and keep it in the freezer, it will come in handy when you suddenly get sick or when you are busy making baby food.

Also, by freezing apples as they are, you can enjoy apples with a new texture.

Please try the convenient and fun method of freezing apples.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, he became certified as a registered dietitian, and is currently in charge of the lab team manager at DayBreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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