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A thorough explanation of the nutritional value contained in mandarin oranges and their peel, as well as their health and beauty effects.

In Japan, we would like to introduce you to ``mandarin oranges'', a fruit that is so popular that it is said to be ``mandarin oranges in the kotatsu'' in winter.

Many people think of mandarin oranges as a very familiar fruit.
Since they are sold at cheap prices at supermarkets, you will often have the opportunity to eat mandarin oranges. Many people probably know that mandarin oranges are rich in vitamin C.

However, mandarin oranges are a wonderful fruit that contains many other nutrients. This time, we will delve deeper into the nutritional value of the familiar mandarin orange.

What nutrients are contained in mandarin oranges and peel? What about sugar and calories?

When most people hear the word "mandarin orange," what they imagine is a variety called "Unshu mandarin orange." Wenzhou mandarin oranges are widely used in households.

The table below summarizes the amount of vitamin C in 100g of commonly eaten fruits.

Vitamin C in mandarin oranges

According to the ``Japanese Food Standard Composition Table,'' you can see that mandarin oranges also contain a lot of vitamin C, although they are inferior to kiwi and strawberries.

If you look at the vitamin C in bananas, which are considered to be as convenient a fruit as mandarin oranges, you will find that they contain only about half as much vitamin C as mandarin oranges. In addition, kiwi and strawberries are fruits that can be purchased at supermarkets, but they are not cheap and cannot be said to be easy to buy.

For this reason, it is no exaggeration to say that mandarin oranges are the easiest fruit to get vitamin C from.

Also, when eating mandarin oranges, many people think of peeling the skin and only eating the inner fruit. Some people may want to carefully remove the "white streaks" around the fruit before eating.

However, did you know that the peel and white veins of oranges also contain many nutrients?

The white stripes on the back of the orange peel are called "albedo", and the white stripes on the fruit are called "vascular bundles". When the albedo peels off and attaches to the fruit, it becomes a vascular bundle.

This albedo contains a lot of an unfamiliar vitamin called "vitamin P" (also called hesperidin). Vitamin P works together with vitamin C to strengthen capillaries. When your capillaries become stronger, your immune system will naturally increase and your body will be less likely to catch a cold.

Hesperidin also works to reduce LDL cholesterol and improve blood circulation, so it is recommended for people who are worried about high blood pressure and triglycerides.

Albedo also contains a lot of dietary fiber, so it's a good idea to actively eat it even if you have trouble with bowel movements.

However, when it is so full of nutrients, you will want to eat a lot of it. Some people may be thinking, "But I'm concerned about the fructose contained in fruit."

The fructose contained in fruit causes a mild rise in blood sugar levels, so compared to regular sugar, it is a sugar that is much less fattening. Therefore, even if you are on a diet, it is better to actively consume fruits. However, as with anything, overeating is not good, so be sure to eat in moderation.

So far, we have introduced the nutrients contained in the vitamin C and skin of mandarin oranges, but mandarin oranges also contain many other nutrients.
Next, we will discuss other nutrients and their effects.

Benefits of the nutritional value of mandarin oranges

mandarin orange

Did you know that mandarin oranges contain a lot of vitamin C? From here, let's take a look at the effects of other nutrients.

Vitamin C, which is contained in the highest amount in mandarin oranges, has the role of supporting white blood cells in the body and fighting off viruses. Therefore, it is effective in increasing immunity and preventing colds.

Citric acid contained in mandarin oranges can also be expected to have a fatigue recovery effect. When your body becomes tired due to continued lack of exercise or poor diet, this is a sign that your cells have been oxidized and have not been able to recover.

Citric acid is said to produce energy when repairing oxidized cells. If there is not enough citric acid, the body will not be able to produce energy to repair cells, so it will not be possible to recover from fatigue.

Also, mandarin oranges are rich in potassium. When humans consume too much salt, sodium accumulates in the body and increases blood pressure. Potassium has the function of removing excess sodium from the body. If you have high blood pressure, it is good to actively eat mandarin oranges.

These are the main nutrients contained in mandarin oranges. Now that we know the efficacy of each, we will next explain in detail how each nutrient connects to health and beauty.

Health and beauty benefits of mandarin oranges

mandarin orange

From here, we will talk about how the nutrients introduced above are connected to our "health" and "beauty."

health benefits

First of all, ``vitamin C'', which is contained in large quantities, can be expected to have the effect of ``preventing colds'' as mentioned earlier. This is because vitamin C helps white blood cells work, and vitamin C itself has the power to fight viruses.

Vitamin C is also a nutrient that can be expected to reduce LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is also called bad cholesterol, and if LDL cholesterol increases in the body, there is a high possibility that it will lead to diseases such as cerebral infarction, angina pectoris, and myocardial infarction, which in the worst case scenario can lead to death.

In order to reduce this possibility, we recommend that you get into the habit of taking vitamin C on a daily basis.

Mandarin oranges also contain a nutrient that many people have never heard of, called ``β-cryptoxanthin.'' Beta-cryptoxanthin is a nutrient that is converted into "vitamin A" in the body as needed. Vitamin A is said to be a vitamin that helps normalize vision, skin, and mucous membranes.

Furthermore, research conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has shown that the higher the blood concentration of β-cryptoxanthin, the lower the risk of developing osteoporosis. People with low bone density should actively eat mandarin oranges.

beauty effect

From here, let's take a look at the "beauty effects" that women are concerned about.

"Vitamin C" is a nutrient that can be expected to have the effect of preventing the deposition of melanin tissue that causes age spots and freckles. We recommend that you actively take vitamin C before and after sunburn.

In addition, vitamin C is a nutrient necessary for the production of collagen, which is the basis of skin firmness. Therefore, if there is a lack of vitamin C, collagen will not be produced properly and the skin will lose its firmness.

``β-cryptoxanthin'', which I explained in the health benefits section, also has the role of increasing hyaluronic acid, which is a water-retaining ingredient. Furthermore, it also plays a role in supporting the production of ``aquaporin,'' which maintains the water-retaining function, so you can expect it to moisturize, which is the secret to beautiful skin.

What is the easiest way to eat mandarin oranges other than by mail order?

How do you procure mandarin oranges that contain a lot of wonderful nutrients?

Mail order is the only way to buy mandarin oranges from places other than supermarkets and greengrocers, but many people are worried about shipping costs and whether their freshness will deteriorate by the time they arrive.

Because of this, it is possible that there are fewer opportunities to eat mandarin oranges.

If you can incorporate the nutrients from mandarin oranges that we have explained so far into your daily life, you can easily maintain a healthy diet.

Buy mandarin oranges at a bargain price, such as by buying boxes, and freeze them before eating.


This time, we have introduced in detail about ``mandarin oranges'', which are the representative fruit of winter.

Some people may wonder, "Fruit fruit while you work?", but flash freezing fruits that are highly fresh can refresh your tired mind and serve as a conversation starter between employees. , can have a positive impact in various situations.

If you have fewer opportunities to eat fruit, please talk to your company's general affairs staff or the head office.

This article was supervised by

Masayuki Kinoshita

Daybreak CEO
Masayuki Kinoshita

The third generation of a long-established refrigeration machine shop that has been in business for 70 years. In 2013, he founded Daybreak as Japan's only company focusing on flash freezing technology and IT. The company has been introduced as a leader in food tech companies in various media and in the book "Food Tech Revolution," and is currently striving to fundamentally change the food distribution industry with "rapid freezing" at its core.

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