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[Can it be frozen? ] How to freeze cabbage rolls, storage period, and recipe

Cooking cabbage rolls takes time and effort. Not suitable for when you want to eat right away.

For such occasions, why not make a little more and stock up when you make it?

Cabbage rolls can be arranged in many ways (from consommé flavor to tomato flavor to white sauce, and it's also recently become popular as an ingredient in oden).

If you make them smaller, you can also use them for lunch boxes.

I'll show you how to freeze cabbage rolls in a convenient way to keep them in stock.

Please check out the introduction of the arrangement method you are interested in.

Advantages of freezing cabbage rolls

Advantages of freezing cabbage rolls

Can reduce cooking time

Making cabbage rolls takes time and effort, such as carefully removing each cabbage leaf one by one, kneading the seeds inside, and rolling and stewing.

By storing cabbage rolls in the freezer, you can eat them by simply heating them, which greatly reduces cooking time.

You can easily defrost just one piece when you want to eat it.

When you want to use it as an ingredient in lunch boxes, oden, or soups, you can conveniently use cabbage rolls that can be thawed immediately.

It's a dish that can be easily adapted, so you can try out different menus using the cabbage rolls you have in stock.

How to freeze cabbage rolls

Cabbage rolls are made by kneading ground meat by hand, making it a dish that is prone to bacterial growth. Therefore, it is not suitable for storage at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

An effective way to preserve cabbage is to freeze it, but even if you freeze it, cabbage rolls that have not been heated are not suitable for preservation.

Here we will introduce how to freeze [cabbage rolls after heating].

The freezing method is the same for seasoned cabbage rolls and parboiled cabbage rolls without seasoning.

(If you freeze it without seasoning, it will be easier to use in various arrangements. In that case, there is no need to freeze the water used for parboiling.)

1) Remove the heat from the cabbage rolls.

Preparing to freeze cabbage rolls

2) Place the soup in 1) into an airtight container such as a Ziploc bag, taking the amount to be thawed at a time.

Add soup and save

When transferring soup to a bag, fold the opening of the bag outward so that it can stand on its own for easier transfer.

Remove air and store

Remove air and store

Once transferred, seal the bag tightly making sure to remove any air from the bag. Prevents oxidation in the freezer, making it difficult for the flavor to escape.
3) Arrange 2) on a metal tray so that they do not overlap and store in the freezer.

Freeze cabbage rolls

If you are using it for a lunch box, it is convenient to put it in a silicone cup and freeze it.

[Points to avoid losing flavor when frozen]
・To prevent deterioration such as oxidation due to exposure to the air in the freezer, store in an airtight container.

If you transfer it to a ziplock bag, remove as much air as possible before sealing it.

- Metal trays (especially those made of aluminum) have good thermal conductivity, so the heat from the cabbage rolls can be quickly dissipated to the outside.

Therefore, it can be frozen more quickly, making it less likely that it will lose its flavor.

How to thaw cabbage rolls

Explaining how to unzip

How to thaw cabbage rolls that were frozen without seasoning

1) Preliminarily thaw in the microwave, add to soup, etc., and simmer.

How to thaw seasoned cabbage rolls

1) The day before you want to eat the cabbage rolls, move them to the refrigerator and thaw them naturally.
2) When eating, heat in the microwave or pot until thoroughly cooked.

If you want to eat it in a hurry, you can heat it up in the microwave while frozen.

Also, please heat it thoroughly before putting it in your lunch box. Natural thawing is not suitable as it is easily damaged.

Arranged cabbage roll recipe

Cabbage rolls are a surprisingly versatile dish. Here we will introduce some of them. Be sure to check out other things and try frozen stock!

Cabbage roll arrangement tomato cheese

Cabbage roll arrangement tomato cheese


On the first day, make consomme-flavored cabbage rolls, and on the second day, make tomato-flavored cabbage rolls.You can also freeze it and change the flavor.

■ ロールキャベツ&コンソメスープ
トマト缶 1缶
チーズ 適量
パセリ 適量
塩、コショウ 適量
ケチャップ 大さじ2

<How to make>
1) Place the cabbage rolls in a heat-resistant dish.
2) After transferring the cabbage rolls, add canned tomatoes, salt, pepper, and ketchup to the consommé soup and bring to a simmer.
3) Pour the tomato soup from 2) over the cabbage rolls from 1). Then sprinkle cheese on top and put it in the oven.
4) Bake for about 20 minutes and it's done. Sprinkle with parsley if you like.

soy milk cabbage rolls

soy milk cabbage rolls


This is a cabbage roll arrangement menu where you can eat lots of vegetables in a hot pot. You can enjoy a slightly different and healthy taste from your usual taste.

☑材料 (2~3人分)
合いびき肉 200g
玉ねぎ 1/3個
マッシュルーム 3個
しめじ 1/3房
にんじん 半分
ブロッコリー 1/3株
アスパラガス 2本
オリーブオイル 大さじ1
バター 5g
塩、こしょう 各少々
無調整豆乳 500ml
固形ブイヨン 1個
粉チーズ 大さじ2

<How to make>
1) Quickly boil the cabbage. Once cooled down, cut off the thick part of the core. Finely chop the onions. Cut off the ends of the mushrooms, chop 2 mushrooms, and slice 1 mushroom. Cut the shimeji mushrooms and loosen them. Cut the carrot into rounds. Separate the broccoli into individual florets and parboil the asparagus.
2) Heat a frying pan, add olive oil, butter, and onions and fry until transparent.
3) Add the chopped mushrooms from 1) to 2), stir-fry, and remove from heat.
4) Put the minced meat in a bowl and mix well with your hands until it becomes sticky. Add salt and pepper, mix well, and roll into 6 equal pieces.
5) Spread the cabbage leaves and wrap 4) into a straw bag, wrap it with bacon and secure with a toothpick.
6) Arrange 5) in a clay pot, top with carrots, shimeji mushrooms, and sliced mushrooms, add the soup from the pot, and heat over medium heat.
7) Once it boils, lower the heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.
8) Add broccoli and asparagus to 7) and bring to a boil.

Healthy cabbage rolls with ground chicken and tofu

Healthy cabbage rolls with ground chicken and tofu


This is a very healthy cabbage roll with a gentle and soothing taste. If you plan on storing the tofu in the freezer, be careful not to leave any traces of the tofu. If the shape of the tofu remains, the texture will become crumbly and bad when thawed.

☑材料 (4人分)
●鶏肉のミンチ 250g
●豆腐 100g
●卵 1個
●たまねぎ (みじん切り)1/4個
●しいたけ 小サイズ3個ほど
●料理酒 小さじ1
●塩 小さじ1/2
●こしょう 少々
●生姜の汁 小さじ1ほど
キャベツ 約8枚
水 500ml
料理酒 大さじ1
コンソメキューブ  2個
ローレル 1枚

<How to make>
1) Break up the tofu and drain thoroughly. Chop the onion and shiitake mushrooms. If you are boiling other things like carrots, cut them into bite-sized pieces.
2) Carefully peel the cabbage one by one, wash it with water, and place it on a heat-resistant plate. Cover with plastic wrap and heat in the microwave at 600W for about 3 minutes, keeping an eye on the situation.
3) Once the cabbage in step 2) has cooled down, scrape off the thickness of the core with a knife.
4) Add the ingredients marked with ● into a bowl and mix well until the mixture becomes sticky.
5) Wrap the seeds from 4) in the cabbage from 2) and secure at the end with a toothpick.
It's delicious to wrap the bacon like a belt and secure it with a toothpick, and it will stay securely in place.
6) Pour water into a pot, heat it, add consommé and dissolve. Add the sake and laurel, add the ingredients, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, cover, and simmer.
8) Cover and simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes. Once the ingredients are simmering, put them on a plate and it's done.

Cabbage rolls with mushroom white sauce

Cabbage rolls with mushroom white sauce


If you're tired of the usual consommé-flavored cabbage rolls, you can easily change it up by adding white sauce. The appearance will change a lot.

☑材料 (10個分)
キャベツ 10枚
玉ねぎ 1/2個
卵 1個
パン粉  1/2カップ
塩こしょう 少々
∇顆粒コンソメ 小さじ2
∇水 300cc
∇塩こしょう 少々
しめじ 1パック
エリンギ 小ぶりなもの3本
牛乳 400cc
バター 30g
薄力粉 大さじ3
顆粒コンソメ 大さじ1
パセリ お好みで

<How to make>
1) Carefully peel off the cabbage one by one. Scrape off the thick part of the core with a knife, boil it briefly, and let it cool. Finely chop the onion, loosely wrap it in plastic wrap, heat it in a 500W microwave for about 1 minute, and let it cool.
2) Add the minced meat, onions, eggs, bread crumbs, salt and pepper from 1) to a bowl and mix well until the mixture becomes sticky.
3) If the cabbage from 1) is large, arrange it in one layer, or if it is small or has holes, arrange it in 2 to 3 layers, then put the cabbage in 2) on top of it and roll it up.
4) Arrange 3) in a pot with the rolled end facing down, add ∇ to the pot and heat it. Once it boils, remove the scum.
5) Cover and simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes.
6) Make the white sauce. Remove the stones from the shimeji mushrooms and loosen them, then cut the king king mushrooms in half lengthwise, then slice them into 3mm pieces.
7) Heat butter in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms from 6).
8) Once the mushrooms have softened, add the flour and mix.
9) Turn off the heat and add the milk little by little while stirring. Be careful not to do too much at once, as it can easily become lumpy.
10) Once 9) is mixed well, heat it again and adjust the taste with granulated consommé and salt and pepper. Boil until thickened.
11) Arrange the cabbage rolls from 5) on a plate, sprinkle with the white sauce from 10), and sprinkle with parsley if you like.

Delicious pot-au-feu with yellowtail cabbage rolls

Delicious pot-au-feu with yellowtail cabbage rolls


This arranged cabbage roll is recommended for children who don't like fish or people who don't like fish. It's an unexpected combination, but the flavor of the vegetables and fish is trapped in the gentle flavor, making it delicious.

☑材料 (3~4人分)
ぶり切り身 2切れ
ベーコン(ブロックがあればブロック) 100g
にんじん 小1本
玉ねぎ 中1個
ブロッコリー 1/2株
じゃが芋 中3個
小麦粉 大さじ1
コンソメ(顆粒) 大さじ1
酒 大さじ1
水 4カップ
塩 少々
油 少々
醤油 小さじ1/4の半分くらい

<How to make>
1) Divide the broccoli into florets and boil them with salt. Cut the carrots and potatoes into bite-sized pieces, and cut the onion into wedges. Cut the block bacon into pieces about 5mm wide.
2) Place the carefully peeled cabbage leaves one by one in a heat-resistant container, wrap loosely in plastic wrap, and heat at 600W for 4 minutes.
3) Once the heat in step 2) has subsided, scrape the core of the cabbage. Cut the core into small pieces.
4) Remove the skin from the yellowtail and set aside the bones. Sprinkle with salt and let stand for about 5 minutes. Then, remove the moisture with paper towels and cut into 4 to 5 equal pieces.
5) Put 4) yellowtail and flour in a plastic bag and mix to coat evenly.
6) Place one yellowtail fillet on a cabbage leaf, roll it up and secure with a toothpick.
7) Heat a pot, add salad oil, and 1) fry the bacon over medium heat. When it becomes slightly browned, add the cabbage core that you shaved in step 3) and stir-fry.
8) When the surface of the potatoes becomes a little transparent, add water and sake, then add consommé and mix well.
9) Add the cabbage rolls from 6) and once it boils, remove the scum. Then reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
10) When the vegetables are soft, add soy sauce once.
11) Serve in a bowl and top with broccoli to complete.


What did you think? Cabbage rolls can be time-consuming to prepare, but there are many ways to make them delicious.

Try freezing cabbage rolls without seasoning or freezing the soup with seasoning.

When cooking cabbage rolls, be sure to consider how much stock you have and freeze them. Please use it to your advantage.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, I became certified as a registered dietitian, and am currently in charge of the lab team manager at Daybreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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