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[Explanation with photos] How to freeze salmon fillets, storage period, and 5 recipes

Wouldn't you like to know how to defrost frozen salmon and enjoy it deliciously?

If you can freeze, defrost, and cook perishables well, you can save money by buying a lot of them when they are cheap.

It's good to buy cheap products and cook them, but it's a pain to go shopping every day to buy fresh produce.

Also, as the number of purchases increases, many people end up wasting money and increasing their expenses.

Buy perishables in bulk when they are cheap and store them wisely in the freezer to reduce the number of trips to the store.

This time, we will introduce recommended recipes for how to freeze salmon, recommended thawing methods, and tips for baking delicious salmon.

It's full of techniques that can be used with other fish and meat, so if you want to become better at saving money, please read it.

Advantages of freezing salmon

Advantages of freezing salmon

Freezing salmon allows for long-term storage.

Salmon, which is a raw product, will only last for about 1 to 3 days when stored in the refrigerator.

By freezing it, it can be preserved for up to two weeks.

It's convenient to have salmon in your freezer, as it can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including breakfast, lunch boxes, and dinner main dishes.

If you bake or flake it and then freeze it, it will have a shelf life of one month.

If you cook it and then save it, it will be useful for making breakfast or lunch boxes.

How to freeze salmon

How to freeze salmon

How to freeze raw food

1) Sprinkle about 1 teaspoon of sake on each piece of salmon, let it sit for 20 minutes, then remove any moisture or dirt with kitchen paper.

How to freeze salmon

If using raw salmon, sprinkle a small amount of salt with the sake.
2) Wrap each slice tightly in plastic wrap, then place in an airtight container such as a ziplock bag and freeze.

How to freeze salmon


How to freeze salmon

How to season and freeze food

1) Cut raw salmon into bite-sized pieces.

How to freeze salmon

2) Sprinkle with salt and let it sit for about 10 minutes, then wipe off any moisture with kitchen paper.

How to freeze salmon

3) Put equal amounts of soy sauce and mirin in a ziplock bag, add salmon and let the flavors blend.

How to freeze salmon

4) Remove the air, flatten them, arrange them so they don't overlap, and store them in the freezer.

How to freeze salmon

How to freeze salmon

To make it easier to take out each dose, it is convenient to divide it into smaller portions or leave them in a semi-frozen state.

How to freeze and store flakes

1) Boil water in a pot, and once it boils, add the salted salmon and boil for about 5 minutes.

How to freeze salmon

2) Once the fever has subsided, remove the bones and skin and loosen the meat.

How to freeze salmon

3) Fry the shredded salmon in a frying pan until the moisture evaporates.

4) When the water evaporates, add about 1 teaspoon of sake to each piece of sweet and salted salmon and stir-fry over low heat.

How to freeze salmon

5) If more water evaporates, add salt to taste.

How to freeze salmon

6) Once cooled, add roasted sesame seeds to taste and wrap each serving in plastic wrap.

How to freeze salmon

7) Place in an airtight container such as a ziplock bag, remove as much air as possible, and store in the freezer.

How to freeze salmon


How to freeze salmon

This is common to all three methods of freezing, but if you freeze the food for as short a time as possible, you can prevent quality deterioration.

You can freeze food deliciously by placing a metal bat with good heat conductivity, wrapping it in aluminum foil, and adjusting the refrigerator settings.

How to thaw frozen salmon and storage period

How to thaw frozen salmon and storage period

How to defrost salmon

Frozen salmon can be cooked either after thawing or as is.

If you want to use it after thawing it, move it to the refrigerator the day before.

If you don't have time, we recommend thawing in ice water.

As the name suggests, ice water thawing involves thawing food in ice water.

Place the frozen salmon in a plastic bag, squeeze out the air, and tie the bag tightly.

Just to be sure, cover it with another plastic bag to prevent water from getting in.

Prepare a bowl of ice water and submerge it in it to thaw.

The key is to weight it down with a plate or something to prevent it from floating and to completely submerge it, and to let the air out of the bag.

Ice water is kept at about 1°C and conducts heat better than air, so it can thaw faster than a refrigerator.

Natural thawing carries the risk of bacterial growth, so thawing in ice water is sanitary and safe.

You can also cook it while frozen, but be sure to check that it is cooked through.

Salmon storage period

Salmon frozen raw can be stored for about 2 weeks, and salmon frozen after grilling can be stored for about 1 month.

If the condition in the freezer is good and you don't mind the loss of flavor, you can save twice as much of each.

If you store it for a long time, it may cause freezer burn or lose its flavor, so please try to eat it as soon as possible.

How to bake deliciously

It is not recommended to grill frozen salmon directly on the grill.

If you cook automatically, the inside may be half-cooked or the texture may be dry.

When cooking from frozen, we recommend sprinkling 1 tablespoon of sake per slice in a frying pan and steaming it.

Adding vegetables and steaming them will make them fluffier.
In that case, if you remove the vegetables and evaporate a little moisture with just the salmon, you can grill it so that the inside is fluffy and the outside is golden brown.

>> [How long does frozen meat and fish last? 】Best before date and tips for extending the best before date

5 easy recipes using frozen salmon

Vegetables become delicious! Frozen salmon chanchanyaki

・冷凍鮭 3切れ
・玉葱 半分
・キャベツ 1/4
✩味噌 大さじ2
✩みりん 大さじ2
✩酒 大さじ1
✩砂糖 大さじ1強
✩すりおろしにんにく 小さじ1
・オリーブオイル 大さじ1
・ブラックペッパー お好みで

<How to make>
1) Mix all the ingredients in ✩ and make a seasoning mixture.
2) Slice the onion thickly and roughly chop the cabbage.
3) Place the frozen salmon in a frying pan with olive oil and turn on the heat.
4) When it starts to brown, turn it over, add the chopped vegetables and seasonings, then cover and steam-fry.
5) After steaming for about 10 minutes, remove the lid and increase the heat to evaporate the moisture.
6) Once the liquid has evaporated, put it on a plate, sprinkle with black pepper if you like, and it's done.
You can add vegetables of your choice, such as mushrooms, carrots, and green peppers.

Easy to use with frozen salmon! cooked rice

・米 1.5合
・水 1.5合分
・酒 大さじ2
・冷凍鮭 1~2切れ
・乾燥わかめ 大さじ1.5弱
・粉末昆布だし 小さじ1
・万能ねぎ 適量

<How to make>
1) Wash the rice, drain the water, and let it sit for a while.
2) Put all the ingredients except green onions in a pot and cook as usual.
3) Remove the bones from the salmon, loosen it, and mix well.
4) Arrange in a bowl, sprinkle with all-purpose green onions, and it's done.

Frozen salmon flakes DE snack! Grilled fried cheese

・油揚げ 1枚
・冷凍鮭フレーク 適量
・とろけるチーズ 適量

<How to make>
1) Spread the fried tofu into a square, then cut it in half lengthwise and widthwise, then cut it into 4 squares.
2) Fry from the inside in a frying pan, turn over, top with salmon flakes and cheese, cover and steam-fry.
3) Once the cheese has melted, it's ready.
If you like, you can sprinkle some chopped green onions to make it more colorful.
You can also fry the fried tofu with ingredients in a toaster instead of using a frying pan.

Nutritious baby food! Frozen salmon soup with lots of vegetables

・玉葱 1個
・人参 小1本
・ブロッコリー 1個
・冷凍生鮭 1切
・コンソメ 少々

<How to make>
1) Boil the frozen raw salmon, remove the bones and skin, and loosen it into flakes.
You can also divide it into small portions and freeze it in this state.
2) Cut onions and carrots according to the age of the moon.
3) Wash the broccoli thoroughly, then use only the tips and cut into bite-sized pieces.
4) Place the carrots and onions in a pot, add enough water to cover, and heat over low to medium heat with a lid on.
5) Once it boils, add the broccoli and simmer over low heat until it becomes soft.
6) When the vegetables are soft, add the salmon flakes, season with consommé, turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let the residual heat infuse the flavor, and it's done.
You can freeze the salmon in small portions, but in that case, use fresh salmon instead of frozen.
You can also make it for adults by adding consomme and salt and pepper.

Easy lunch menu in the microwave! Frozen salmon steamed in sake

・冷凍鮭 1切
・玉葱 1/4個
・しめじ 1/3パック
・ピーマン 1/2個
・酒 大さじ1
・黒胡椒 適量
・オレガノ お好みで
・セージ お好みで
・ポン酢 小さじ1
・パセリ 適量

<How to make>
1) Slice the onion thinly and place on a heat-resistant plate lined with plastic wrap.
2) Place the frozen salmon on top, sprinkle with sake, and sprinkle with pepper, oregano, and sage.
3) Place the shredded green pepper and shimeji mushrooms in that order, then loosely cover with plastic wrap.
4) Heat it in a 600W microwave for about 5 minutes and once it's cooked through, transfer it to a plate using plastic wrap, sprinkle with ponzu sauce, and it's done.
If you are putting it in a lunch box, wrap it in aluminum foil and sprinkle it with ponzu sauce when you eat it.


How do you freeze salmon and what are some recommended recipes?

Convenient for busy mornings, grilled salmon can be stored for up to a month by wrapping it in plastic wrap, placing it in a ziplock bag, and freezing it.

Raw salmon can also be stored for up to 2 weeks by soaking it in sake or salt for a while, wiping off the moisture, wrapping it in plastic wrap and freezing it in a ziplock bag.

It is also convenient to freeze and store it in a form that is easy for you to use, such as seasoning it or making it into flakes.

Thawing in ice water and steam-grilling while frozen are techniques that can be used not only for salmon but also for meat and other fish.

Become good at saving money by buying perishables in bulk when they are cheap, freezing, defrosting, and cooking them wisely.

>> Click here for how to freeze meat

>> Click here for how to freeze fish

>> Click here for other ways to freeze vegetables

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, I became certified as a registered dietitian, and am currently in charge of the lab team manager at Daybreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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