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[Explanation with photos] How to freeze nagaimo, storage period, and 5 recipes!

Did you know that yams can be frozen?

It is not widely known that it can be stored frozen, as it can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

However, if you freeze it, you can save it, for example, if you have leftover grated yam from a meal.

Until now, unused yam may have been thrown away, but if properly disposed of, it can be stored for several weeks.

In this article, we introduce how to freeze long items, proper thawing methods, approximate storage periods, and simple recipes. If you are interested, please take a look.

Nagaimo nutrition

long food nutrition

Long food nutritional value and calories

Calories are 65kcal per 100g.

Because it is made up of more than 80% water, it is less sticky than other wild potatoes.

The nutrients contained in Japanese yam include the following:

Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium, chromium, molybdenum

Vitamins A, E, B1, B2, niacin, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, C

Dietary fiber

Effects of Japanese yam

[Recover from fatigue and maintain a healthy body]

Nagaimo contains vitamin B1, a nutrient that helps relieve fatigue. Vitamin B1 is a vitamin used in the body to convert carbohydrates into energy, and is especially necessary for people who consume a lot of carbohydrates or who exercise a lot. In addition, many vitamins are considered to be sensitive to heat, but since they can be eaten raw, they can be ingested very efficiently.

[Helps digestion and nourishes and tonic effect]

Since ancient times, long yam has been considered to be very nutritious and tonic, so much so that it has been called ``yama eel.'' The reason for this is due to the presence of digestive enzymes such as diastase and amylase. The digestive enzymes diastase and amylase have the function of promoting the digestion of food.

The effects of these ingredients strengthen the ability to digest and absorb food. Enhanced digestion and absorption means that energy can be produced more efficiently. Therefore, long yam is said to be effective in recovering from fatigue and nourishing the body.

Advantages of freezing yam

Advantages of freezing long foods

Reduces cooking time

The first advantage is reduced cooking time.

By cutting the food into convenient sizes or grating it before freezing, you can save time and effort when actually using it.

Nagaimo in particular can make your hands itchy due to the ingredients it contains. It should also be soaked in vinegar water to relieve the itching ingredients.

Preparing the food before freezing it has the advantage that you don't have to worry about itching every time you prepare it.

You can also freeze leftover yam.

The second advantage is that you can freeze leftover yam.

As I explained at the beginning, you can freeze the tororo that you can't use for a meal. Until now, you may have thrown away leftover yam, but if you freeze it, you can keep it for several weeks.

In the refrigerator, it can only be stored for a few days and may discolor. When frozen, the enzymes stop working, so discoloration can be minimized.

How to freeze yam

When cutting into pieces and freezing

1. Cut into thin strips and soak in vinegar water for about 5 minutes.

Freezing long items

★Vinegar water: About 2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water
2. Wipe dry with kitchen paper.

Freezing long items

3. Place it flat in a freezer bag and freeze.

Freezing long items

★In the image, it is wrapped in plastic wrap and then placed in a freezer bag. This method is recommended if you want to divide it into smaller portions.

When freezing and freezing

1. Peel the skin and soak it in vinegar water for about 5 minutes.

Freezing long items

★Vinegar water: About 2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water
2. Grate.

Freezing long items

3. Place in a freezer bag, squeeze out the air, and freeze.

Freezing long items

★In the image, it is wrapped in plastic wrap and then placed in a freezer bag. This method is recommended if you want to divide it into smaller portions.

How to thaw yam and storage period

How to thaw long items

How to defrost Japanese yam

Basically, we recommend thawing naturally in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Decide whether to thaw in the refrigerator or at room temperature based on the current temperature (room temperature) and the time from thawing to cooking. For hygiene reasons, we recommend defrosting food in the refrigerator during the summer.

You can defrost it in the microwave, but this is not recommended as it will likely spoil the flavor of the yam.

Storage period of Japanese yam

The approximate storage period is 2 to 3 weeks.

Once thawed, food cannot be refrozen. This is because repeated freezing and thawing can significantly impair flavor and texture.

Therefore, once you have thawed the food, please use it up, or only thaw as much as you can use.

>> [Freezing for a long time] 3 points to keep in mind when preserving vegetables

5 easy recipes using Japanese yam

Tororo rice

Tororo rice


・ご飯 2合
・長芋 200g
・だし汁 1/2カップ
・醤油 小さじ1/3

<How to make>
1) Thaw frozen nagaimo (grated) in the refrigerator.
2) Heat a pot containing dashi stock and soy sauce and bring to a boil.
3) Add (2) little by little to (1) and mix.
4) Finally, pour it over the freshly cooked rice and it's done.

★You can also add green seaweed or wasabi to taste.

Chopping kelp and vegetables

Chopping kelp and vegetables

Source: w

・長芋 50g
・大根 50g
・白菜 1/2枚
・えのき 1/2パック
・納豆昆布 10g
・青ねぎ 1/4カップ
・すりおろししょうが 小さじ1/2
・赤唐辛子 1/2本
●醤油 大さじ1
●みりん 大さじ1

<How to make>
1) Cut the Japanese yam into 7 mm dice and use frozen ones. Defrost it in the refrigerator beforehand.
2) Dice the radish into 7mm cubes, lightly boil the enoki mushrooms and cut them into 7mm cubes, and cut the Chinese cabbage into 7mm cubes.
3) Add (1), (2), natto kelp, green onion, grated ginger, and red chili pepper to a bowl. Add the seasonings marked ● and mix well to complete.

★It doesn't have to be exactly 7mm, as long as they are the same size.
★It's also delicious when eaten over rice.

Japanese yam and cucumber with sesame dressing

Japanese yam and cucumber with sesame dressing


・長芋 220g
・きゅうり 1/2本
・白ごま 適量
●醤油 大さじ1.5
●砂糖 大さじ1
●酢 大さじ1

<How to make>
1) Defrost the frozen long yam (sliced) in the refrigerator in advance.
2) Peel the cucumber and cut it into slices.
3) Add the long yam, cucumber, seasonings and sesame seeds to a bowl and mix to complete.

Nagaimo Okonomiyaki

Nagaimo Okonomiyaki


・キャベツ 200g
・豚肉(薄切り) 100g
・揚げ玉 15g
●薄力粉 100g
●本だし 小さじ3
●卵 1個
●水 100ml
●長いも 50g

<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen long yam (grated) in the refrigerator.
2) Place ● ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
3) Add coarsely chopped cabbage, pork cut into appropriate size pieces, and fried egg and mix well.
4) Heat oil in a frying pan (not listed), add (3) and fry over medium to low heat.
5) When it gets browned, flip it over and it's done when it's cooked through.

★Please use the sauce, mayonnaise, green seaweed, and bonito flakes as you like.
★Please arrange the ingredients to your liking, such as red ginger and cherry shrimp.

Tofu with grated yam

Tofu with grated yam


・長いも 200g
・木綿豆腐 1丁
●醤油 大さじ2
●砂糖 小さじ1
●みりん 大さじ1
・かつおぶし 10g

<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen long yam (grated) in the refrigerator.
2) Cut the tofu into dice.
3) Add the seasonings marked ● to a frying pan, heat, add tofu and stir-fry lightly.
4) Once it's completely tangled, add the long yam, turn off the heat, and cover with bonito flakes.

*Be sure to mix the tofu gently (if you mix it too vigorously, it will fall apart).


How about freezing long yam?

There are two freezing methods introduced. One is to cut it into easy-to-use pieces and freeze it, and the other is to grate it and freeze it.

No matter which method you use for freezing, we recommend thawing it naturally in the refrigerator.

The approximate storage period is 2 to 3 weeks. Freezing can largely prevent discoloration, but if the food looks dangerous, it's best to refrain from eating it even within this period.

Nagaimo is a very nutritious and tonic food, so please use this method to preserve it properly.

>> Click here for how to freeze meat

>> Click here for how to freeze fish

>> Click here for other ways to freeze vegetables

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, I became certified as a registered dietitian, and am currently in charge of the lab team manager at Daybreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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