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Introducing how to freeze lettuce and recipes [Explanation with photos! ]

Advantages of freezing lettuce

Benefits of freezing lettuce

Nutrient loss stops

Freezing lettuce prevents loss of nutrients after harvest.

The nutrients contained in lettuce are gradually lost from the time it is harvested until you eat it, due to the action of microorganisms and the respiration of the vegetables.

The -18°C temperature of a typical home freezer stops microorganisms and the respiration of vegetables, putting them into hibernation, so freezing preserves nutrients.

The inside of the refrigerator is dry, and as the lettuce loses moisture, water-soluble vitamins also decrease.

Since lettuce does not need air when it is inactive, it can be stored frozen in a freezer bag to prevent it from coming into contact with air to prevent it from drying out.

By freezing lettuce properly, you can stop the lettuce from deteriorating and reducing its nutritional value.

can last for a long time

By preventing drying and suspending the activity of microorganisms and lettuce, lettuce can last for about 2 weeks to 1 month.

Lettuce can get expensive depending on the season, so it's a good idea to buy it when it's cheap and store it.

How to freeze lettuce

How to tear and freeze lettuce

Freezing lettuce raw is an easy way to preserve it, and is recommended when you want to keep the lettuce shape intact, such as in stir-fries.

1. Wash the lettuce one by one.

wash the lettuce

2. Wipe the lettuce dry with kitchen paper and tear the lettuce with your hands.

tear the lettuce

Water-soluble vitamins will begin to dissolve in water, so carefully wipe off the moisture as soon as possible.

Be sure to tear the lettuce by hand, as using a knife will cause the lettuce to oxidize faster due to contact with metal.

3.Put it in a freezing bag etc. as flat as possible and use a straw to remove the air and create a vacuum state.

Freeze lettuce

You can create a vacuum by inserting a straw into the end of the freezing bag, sucking out the air, and then quickly closing your mouth.

4. Freeze the food at a low temperature as quickly as possible by using rapid freezer of the refrigerator or by increasing the freezer setting.

frozen lettuce

By wrapping the freezing bag in aluminum foil and sandwiching it between ice packs, you can freeze it at a lower temperature and more quickly and deliciously.

5.It will look like this when frozen.

After defrosting lettuce

How to freeze lettuce after turning it into paste

Making it into a paste and storing it in the freezer takes more time when freezing, but it saves you time when cooking.

It is especially useful when making baby food, smoothies, potage soups, etc.

1. Wash the lettuce one by one.

wash the lettuce

2. Tear the lettuce by hand and add to the mixer.

lettuce and mixer

3. If it doesn't turn, turn it a few times and then push the lettuce in until it becomes a paste with just the water in the lettuce.

Put the lettuce in a blender

If it is difficult to turn, you can add a small amount of water.

4. Put it in an ice cube tray, then put it in a freezing pack, and remove as much air as possible.

put in ice maker

5. Freeze the food at a low temperature as quickly as possible by using rapid freezer of the refrigerator or by increasing the freezer setting.

Freeze lettuce in an ice maker

By wrapping the freezing bag in aluminum foil and sandwiching it between ice packs, you can freeze it at a lower temperature and more quickly and deliciously.

6.It will look like this after freezing.

frozen lettuce

How to thaw frozen lettuce and how long it can be stored

How to thaw lettuce

How to thaw frozen lettuce

The water-soluble vitamins contained in lettuce dissolve easily in water, so when the lettuce thaws and the water evaporates, it goes away with it.

Be sure to cook the food frozen to ensure you get the right amount of water-soluble vitamins.

You can also use lettuce that has been made into a paste and frozen, so you can use it instead of ice in smoothies.

When using warmed baby food, etc., please use the water that comes out as well.

Storage period of frozen lettuce

Frozen lettuce should be consumed within 2 to 4 weeks.

If you have used a little bit and have some leftover, make sure to remove the air thoroughly to create a vacuum again and return it to the freezer as soon as possible to make it last longer.

Tips for wisely consuming the nutrition of frozen lettuce

Tips for freezing lettuce

The water that comes out of frozen lettuce contains a lot of nutrients, so it's important to use it in dishes that can have liquid, such as thickening stir-fries or making soups.

Also, vitamin C is sensitive to heat and decreases as water evaporates, so add it at the end of cooking and quickly cook to prevent evaporation of water as much as possible.

On the other hand, it contains vitamin E and carotene, which are resistant to heat and compatible with oil, so ankake, which uses oil and prevents water from evaporating, is a recommended cooking method.

Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect and is called a rejuvenating vitamin, and is a nutrient that is expected to have anti-aging effects and prevent lifestyle-related diseases, so you should actively consume it.

>> Click here for other ways to freeze vegetables

5 easy recipes using frozen lettuce

Full of nutrition! Egg porridge with frozen lettuce

Egg porridge with frozen lettuce

・ごはん 茶碗1杯分
・卵 1個
・冷凍レタス 適量
・お好みの野菜 適量
・出汁醤油 100㏄
・ごま油 お好みで

<How to make>
1) Place the dashi soy sauce and rice in a pot, heat, and loosen the rice.
2) Add your favorite vegetables and simmer.
3) When the stock gets low, add more stock and simmer until the vegetables are soft, then add the frozen lettuce at the end.
4) Add the beaten eggs, cover and turn off the heat.
5) Once the eggs have set, it's ready.

If you like, sprinkle sesame oil on top to improve the absorption of vitamin E and carotene.

Sprinkling small green onions and chopped nori seaweed will enhance the color, so feel free to use as you like.

Warm your body and mind! Frozen lettuce Chinese soup

Frozen lettuce Chinese soup

・冷凍レタス 適量
・お好みの野菜(ブロッコリーやネギなど) 適量
・ウェイパー(中華スープの素) 適量
・酒 少々
・しょう油 適量
・水 お椀2,3杯
・水溶き片栗粉 適量
・卵 1個

<How to make>
1) Add water and your favorite vegetables to a pot and boil.
2) Add seasonings other than alcohol to add flavor. The frozen lettuce will release some moisture, so make sure to add a little more flavor.
3) Add frozen lettuce and alcohol and adjust the taste.
4) Add the dissolved potato starch to thicken it, then stir in the beaten egg, turn off the heat, and it's done.

Easy! delicious! Frozen lettuce and tuna sauce

Frozen lettuce and tuna sauce


・冷凍レタス 3~4枚分
・ツナ缶詰 1缶(70ℊ)
・✩水(つゆ用) 100㏄
・✩顆粒だし 小さじ1/2
・✩しょう油 小さじ2
・✩塩 少々
・✩砂糖 小さじ1
・片栗粉 小さじ2
・水(水溶き片栗粉用) 50㏄

<How to make>
1) Bring the ingredients ✩ to a boil in a pot.
2) Add the tuna and frozen lettuce and bring to a boil again, then add the dissolved potato starch to thicken it and it's done.

It is also recommended to eat it with rice.

It's like sweets! Delicious smoothie with frozen lettuce

Delicious smoothie with frozen lettuce

・アボカド 1/4個
・バナナ(出来れば冷凍) 1本
・冷凍レタスペースト 2~3個
・牛乳 50㏄くらい
・氷 1個(なくても大丈夫です)

<How to make>
1. Add all ingredients except ice and frozen lettuce paste to a blender.
2) Once it becomes liquid, add ice and frozen lettuce paste and blend it again.
3) Pour into a cup and it's done.

Save time with frozen lettuce paste! potage soup

Potage soup with frozen lettuce paste


・バター 10ℊ
・玉ねぎ(すりおろす) 80ℊ
・塩 小さじ1/2
・冷凍レタスペースト 200ℊ
・✩コンソメスープ 300㎖
・✩牛乳 200㎖
・✩生クリーム 30~50㎖
・✩塩 少々
・✩白コショウ 適量

<How to make>
1) Put butter, grated onion, and salt in a pot and heat until the sweetness of the onion comes out.
2) Add the ingredients ✩ and bring to a boil, then add the frozen lettuce paste and boil until dissolved.
If you bring it to a gentle boil, the water-soluble vitamins will evaporate, so the key is to warm it over low heat until it dissolves.
3) Arrange in a bowl, garnish with fresh cream as you like, and it's done.

You can enjoy it deliciously even without adding fresh cream.


How about this clever freezing technique for lettuce?

To avoid losing water-soluble vitamins, it is important to use frozen lettuce in dishes where you can enjoy the dissolved water as well.

If you make frozen lettuce paste from the hard outer leaves and core of lettuce, it will be delicious, so please try freezing lettuce.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, he became certified as a registered dietitian, and is currently in charge of the lab team manager at DayBreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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