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Introducing how to freeze and thaw whitebait, as well as recipes for its use [Full of nutrition! ]

Did you know that whitebait can be used more conveniently when frozen?

Whitebait is a fish that is popular among a wide range of generations because you can eat the whole fish, including the bones, and it is an easy way to replenish calcium.

Fish fat is rich in DHA and EPA, which reduce blood cholesterol and improve brain function.

Whitebait is full of good things, but the downside is that it doesn't keep for a long time.

However, by freezing it, you can extend its shelf life and use it as much as you want.

Introducing a convenient way to freeze whitebait and 5 recipes for its use.

Advantages of freezing whitebait

Advantages of freezing whitebait

Freezing whitebait allows for long-term storage.

Whitebait, which is rich in calcium, often has a short shelf life and is sold cheaply in large packs.

If you have trouble preserving it, we recommend freezing it.

Even when frozen, it breaks apart easily and is easy to use even in small portions, so freeze it as soon as you buy it.

Whitebait is nutritious and easy to eat since you can get the whole fish, but it's nice to be able to keep it frozen and keep it on hand.

Freezing method

1) Gently wipe the water from the shirasu with kitchen paper.

How to freeze whitebait

2) Place it as flatly as possible (about 1cm thick at most) in a storage bag such as a ziplock bag.

How to freeze whitebait

At this stage, the more air there is, the less likely it will stick.

If you have a large quantity, please separate the bags or wrap each dose in plastic wrap before placing it.

3) Freeze at a low temperature as quickly as possible by placing it on something with good heat conductivity, such as a metal bat or aluminum foil.

How to freeze whitebait

4) Once completely frozen, knead the whole thing to make it flat, remove as much air as possible and store it in the freezer.

How to freeze whitebait


How to freeze whitebait

[Key points for frozen storage]
The key is not to let out too much air at first, but wait until it's completely frozen before letting the air out of the bag.

By doing so, the whitebait pieces will not stick to each other and you can take out the desired amount when using it.

Thawing method and storage period

How to defrost whitebait and storage period

How to defrost whitebait

Frozen whitebait can be used for cooking without thawing.

Because of the salt content, it doesn't stick easily when frozen, so it's convenient because you can take out just the amount you want to use.

You can eat it as is over hot rice, or add it to fried rice or stir-fries.

Whether you put it on cold tofu while frozen or mix it with vegetables, it will be thawed by the time you eat it, so you can use it as is.

After wrapping each batch in plastic wrap and freezing it, place it on kitchen paper to remove moisture and thaw it in the refrigerator.

If you're in a hurry, you can thaw it by wrapping it in plastic wrap, placing it in a plastic bag, sealing it tightly, and immersing it in ice water.

It is not recommended to leave it at room temperature for a long time or to thaw it in the microwave, as it releases moisture and is easily damaged.

Also, once thawed, eat all the food within the same day, and avoid refreezing leftovers.

Storage period of whitebait

Please eat frozen whitebait within about 3 weeks.

If you store it longer than that, it won't spoil, but it will cause freezer burn.

Freezer burn is when the water evaporates and the food dries out, and at the same time oxidizes and loses its taste and flavor.

If you have freezer burn, you can roast it well and use it as furikake to make it more delicious.

Once frost begins to form, it has begun to deteriorate, so please get it as soon as possible.

5 easy recipes using whitebait

Freely arrange! Grilled whitebait with cheese

Grilled whitebait with cheese


・春巻きの皮 1枚
・冷凍しらす 12ℊ
・鰹節 4ℊ
・ピザ用チーズ 16ℊ
・サラダ油 大さじ2

<How to make>
1) Cut the spring roll wrapper into 4 square pieces.
2) Divide the ingredients into 1/4 portions and add the bonito flakes, whitebait, and cheese in that order.
3) Apply flour dissolved in water as glue, fold in half to make a triangle, and seal tightly.
4) Fry in an oiled frying pan until both sides are golden brown and it's done.

Instead of spring roll wrappers, you can also enjoy it by sandwiching it between gyoza wrappers, fried tofu, or bread.

Full of calcium! Easy shirasu furikake

Easy shirasu furikake


・冷凍しらす 150ℊ
・胡麻 大さじ2
・青海苔 大さじ1~2
・みりん 大さじ3
・ごま油 大さじ1

<How to make>
1) Heat sesame oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
2) Add frozen whitebait and fry until half of the water evaporates.
3) Add sesame seeds and green seaweed and stir-fry further.
4) Add mirin and stir-fry until the water evaporates, being careful not to burn it.

You can enjoy it not only by pouring it over rice, but also by putting it on top of cold tofu or dipping sauce, or adding it to stir-fries, fried eggs, etc.

Easy and delicious! Soaked whitebait

Soaked whitebait


・ほうれん草 適量
・冷凍しらす お好みで
・ごま油 小さじ1
✩醤油 小さじ1
✩酒 小さじ1
✩みりん 小さじ1/2
・鰹節 お好みで

<How to make>
1) In a frying pan heated with sesame oil, fry spinach cut into bite-sized pieces.
2) Once the spinach is coated with oil, add the whitebait.
3) Add the seasonings ✩ and stir-fry until the water evaporates. Place the dried bonito flakes on a plate and it's done.

Even if you don't use spinach, you can substitute it with komatsuna, rape blossoms, green beans, etc., or add shredded carrots before adding the greens to make it delicious.
If you like, sprinkle with sesame seeds for extra flavor.

Calcium plus! Easy kamatama udon

Easy kamatama udon


・冷凍うどん 1玉
・冷凍しらす 30ℊ
・水 100㏄
・麺つゆ 大さじ2/3(しらすの塩分を見て調節して下さい)
・鰹節 小袋1/2パック
・大葉 1枚
・卵 1個
・刻み海苔 お好みで
・万能ねぎ お好みで
・揚げ玉 お好みで

<How to make>
1) Put the udon noodles in a frying pan, add the shirasu and water, cover and heat for about 3 minutes.
2) Turn the udon noodles over and loosen them.
3) Once the water has evaporated, turn off the heat and add the mentsuyu, bonito flakes, perilla leaves, and eggs in that order and mix.
4) Arrange in a bowl, top with seaweed, chopped green onion, and fried egg and it's done.

By stirring the eggs in a pot, the mixture will heat up slightly. If you would like to have raw eggs, place them in a bowl and then add the eggs.

You can also use boiled udon, somen, or rice instead of frozen noodles.

In hot weather, it's also delicious to soak the noodles in cold water and mix the ingredients together to make cold noodles.

Shirasu DE flavor up! Crunchy Namul

Crispy whitebait namul


・もやし 1袋
・ニラ 1/3束
・冷凍しらす 40ℊ
✩ごま油 大さじ2
✩中華だし 小さじ1弱
✩黒胡椒 少々
✩ガーリックパウダー お好みで

<How to make>
1) Boil plenty of water in a pot, quickly boil the bean sprouts and chives, and drain in a colander.
20 seconds for bean sprouts and 10 seconds for chives is fine.
2) Mix the seasonings from ✩ in a bowl, then add the ingredients from 1) after squeezing out the water while still warm.
3) Add the shirasu at the end, toss, and serve in a bowl.

For those who like spicy food, we recommend adding chili oil to the seasoning.
You can eat it warm, but it's also delicious if you chill it in the refrigerator.


How do you like the frozen preservation method and 5 recipes for using whitebait?

Whitebait is a highly nutritious, easy-to-eat, and inexpensive fish, so it's convenient to freeze it and keep it on hand.

Lightly wipe off the water, spread it in a ziplock bag and freeze it, then knead it once to make it fluffy and easy to use.

There's no need to defrost the crumbly version, and it's great that you can easily use it not only with rice but also with dipping sauce or chilled tofu.

If you wrap individual servings in plastic wrap and then freeze them, place them on kitchen paper and thaw them in the refrigerator.

If you get into the habit of freezing food as soon as you buy it, you won't accidentally forget about it and waste it.

Please try out the methods for freezing whitebait and recipes for using it.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, he became certified as a registered dietitian, and is currently in charge of the lab team manager at DayBreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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