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How to freeze zucchini and 5 recipes! [Explanation with photos! ]

Zucchini is attracting attention for its low calorie content and is also popular as a diet food.

Buy a lot at once and save! However, if you leave zucchini in the refrigerator for too long, it will lose its freshness and texture.

In this article, we will introduce a method for freezing zucchini that allows you to store it for a long time while maintaining its freshness.

How to freeze zucchini

There are two ways to freeze zucchini.

There are two methods: boil it quickly and then freeze it, and stir-fry it and then freeze it.

Zucchini contains fiber, so if you freeze it raw, it will become stringy when thawed.

In addition, the color and taste may change due to the action of enzymes.

Therefore, if you want the food to remain delicious even after a while, we recommend adding some extra effort before storing it in the freezer.

When boiling and freezing

1) Cut into slightly thick rounds.

cut the zucchini into rounds

2) Boil in boiling water for 10 to 30 seconds, then cool with cold water and wipe dry.

Boil the zucchini

3-1. If you have a metal tray) Arrange them on a metal tray lined with plastic wrap and put them in the freezer. Once completely frozen, store in a freezer bag.

Freeze the zucchini

*Please line them up so that they do not stick together.
*In the photo, a tray lined with aluminum foil, which has high thermal conductivity, is used instead of a metal tray.

3-2. If you don't have a metal tray) Place them in a freezer storage bag so they don't overlap and put them in the freezer.

*Since it takes time to freeze the food, the shelf life will be lower than when using metal trays. If you want to store it for a long time or want it to stay delicious even after a while, we recommend step 3-1.

When frying and freezing

1) Cut into 2cm wide cubes and fry in a frying pan with salad oil.

fry the zucchini

*Fry until lightly browned.

2) Once cooled, place on a metal tray lined with plastic wrap and freeze. Once completely frozen, place it in a freezer bag.

Freeze the zucchini

* Arrange them one by one so they don't stick together.
*In the photo, a tray lined with aluminum foil, which has high thermal conductivity, is used instead of a metal tray.

How to thaw zucchini and how long to store it

Zucchini storage period

How to thaw zucchini

Whether boiled and frozen, or stir-fried and frozen, you can thaw it naturally in the refrigerator or use it for cooking while frozen.

If you use it for cooking while frozen, you can use it as is for curry or stew dishes, and you can save time by skipping the time of boiling/stir-frying it.

Zucchini storage period

It can be stored for 2 to 3 weeks if boiled and frozen, and for 3 to 4 weeks if stir-fried and frozen.

Stir-frying allows you to store it for a little longer, but it will inevitably lose its freshness, so we recommend using it as soon as possible.

>> 3 points to keep in mind when preserving vegetables

A nutritionist explains! About the nutrition of zucchini

Zucchini nutrition
Zucchini is a type of pumpkin and contains potassium, carotene, and vitamin C. Potassium has the effect of excreting sodium from the body, and is effective in preventing high blood pressure and relieving swelling.

Vitamin C also has antioxidant properties and prevents cell aging. It also helps prevent stains and freckles caused by UV rays.

Increase your immunity with Ratatouille!
Ratatouille is a dish that uses zucchini. The carotene contained in zucchini is better absorbed when taken with oil, so stir-fried dishes such as ratatouille are suitable.

Carotene increases immunity, strengthens the skin and mucous membranes, and prevents colds.

Zucchini to limit carbohydrates
The energy of zucchini is 14kcal/100g, which is relatively low among vegetables. Also, it has a lower carbohydrate content of 1.5g/100g than onions, green peppers, and cucumbers.

Many people practice carbohydrate restriction because it is said to be effective for dieting, but extreme carbohydrate restriction carries risks such as hypoglycemia and decreased liver function.

Rather than restricting all carbohydrates in your diet, make smart adjustments such as reducing the amount of staple foods or substituting zucchini for high-carbohydrate foods such as pumpkin and lotus root.

How to identify delicious zucchini
1.Freshly cut
2.Things with uniform thickness
3.The skin has no scratches and is shiny.

If the temperature is too low, zucchini will spoil quickly. When storing zucchini in the refrigerator, be careful of the internal temperature, and be careful not to let it cool too much by wrapping it in newspaper.

Nutritionist Ruri

Obtained nutritionist qualifications from Toita Women's Junior College and graduated from the same university. After graduating from Kyorin University, she also obtained a qualification as a food hygiene manager. Currently at DayBreak Co., Ltd., she oversees various food freezing research and writing informative content about food. Her hobbies are traveling and hula dancing.

5 easy recipes using frozen zucchini

Even if you hate zucchini, you can still eat it! ? cold potage

Even if you hate zucchini, you can still eat it! ? cold potage

・ズッキーニ 300g
・玉ねぎ 1/4個
・バター 10g
・水 300cc
・牛乳 100cc
・コンソメ 小さじ1
・塩 小さじ1/3
・乾燥パセリ 少々

<How to make>
1) Thinly slice the onion and zucchini (you can also use frozen zucchini as is).
2) Put the butter in a pot and melt it slowly over low heat. Once the butter has melted, add the onions and zucchini.
3) Fry the onions and zucchini over low to medium heat until softened.
4) Add water, consommé, and salt and simmer for about 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let it cool until it has lost its rough heat.
5) Add 4. to the mixer. Add and stir until smooth. When finished, strain through a colander and return to the pot.
6) Return 5) to the pot, add milk and salt and mix.
7) Serve in a bowl, sprinkle with parsley and it's done.

Minestrone to cheer you up in the summer

Minestrone to cheer you up in the summer

・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・にんじん 1/4本
・セロリ 1本
・じゃがいも 小1個
・ズッキーニ 1/2本
・さやいんげん 8本
・ベーコン 3枚
・押し麦 1/4カップ
・にんにく 1かけ
・オリーブ油 大さじ3
・固形コンソメ 2個
・トマト水煮缶 1缶(400g)
・塩・こしょう 各少々

<How to make>
1) Cut onions, carrots, celery, potatoes, and zucchini into 1cm cubes. Cut the green beans into 1cm lengths and chop the garlic. Cut the bacon into 1cm wide pieces.

2) Add olive oil and garlic to a pot and heat over low heat. Once fragrant, add onions, carrots, and celery and cook over medium heat.

3) When the onions become translucent, add bacon, potatoes, and zucchini and stir-fry, then add 4 cups of water and solid consommé.

4) Add the tomatoes while crushing them with your hands (along with the juice from the can). Add the rolled oats, bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 20 minutes.

5) When the barley becomes fluffy, add green beans. Cook for a few more minutes and season with salt and pepper.

Full of delicious vegetables! Exquisite grilled salad

Full of delicious vegetables! Exquisite grilled salad

・ズッキーニ 2本
・なす 4個
・トマト 2個
・玉ねぎ 小2個
・にんにく 1かけ
・オリーブ油 大さじ6
・塩 小さじ1
・黒こしょう 少々
・レモン 1個

<How to make>
1) You can use either frozen zucchini, sliced into rings, or stir-fried and frozen. If using fresh ones, cut them in half lengthwise and then into 2-3 equal pieces lengthwise.

2) Remove the stems from the eggplant and cut diagonally into 1cm thick slices. Remove the stems from the tomatoes and cut into 1cm thick rounds.

3) Cut the onion in half lengthwise, then cut it crosswise into 1cm thick pieces and secure with toothpicks to prevent them from falling apart. Thinly slice the garlic.

4) Add olive oil and garlic to a frying pan and heat over low heat. Once fragrant, remove the garlic and add the vegetables in three batches, frying on both sides over medium heat.

5) Remove the roasted vegetables and place in a bowl. While hot, sprinkle with salt and pepper and squeeze in the lemon. Mix everything together, put it in a container, remove the onion toothpicks, and it's done.

Nutritious ratatouille made with only vegetable water

Nutritious ratatouille made with only vegetable water

・なす 2個
・ズッキーニ 1本
・パプリカ(赤、黄) 各1個
・トマト 大1個
・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・にんにく 1かけ
・オリーブ油 1/4カップ
・ローリエ 1枚
・白ワイン 1/4カップ
・塩こしょう 少々
・タイム、オレガノ、バジル 各大さじ1/2

<How to make>
1) Peel the eggplant and zucchini in stripes, remove the stems and seeds from the bell pepper, and cut each into 1.5cm pieces (it is OK if you do not peel them in stripes).

2) Cut the tomatoes and onions into 1.5cm cubes. Finely chop the garlic.

3) Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry garlic and onion over medium heat. Once fragrant, add the eggplant, zucchini, and bell pepper and stir-fry some more.

4) When the whole thing becomes soft, tear the bay leaf in half and add it. At the same time, sprinkle in the herbs and fry lightly, add the tomatoes and mix, then swirl in the white wine.

5) Immediately after adding the wine, cover with a lid and simmer until the liquid is almost gone (about 15 to 20 minutes). Season to taste with salt and pepper, then finish serving.

Easy and easy! Easy-to-make cheese omelet with zucchini

Easy and easy! Easy-to-make cheese omelet with zucchini

・卵 1個
・牛乳 大さじ2
・ピザ用チーズ 大さじ1
・黒こしょう 少々
・ズッキーニ 1/3~1/2本
・ケチャップ 適量

<How to make>
1) Slice the zucchini into rounds of about 5mm (thaw the frozen ones naturally).

2) Drop the eggs into a bowl, add milk and cheese, stir, and add black pepper.

3) Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the zucchini.

4) Fry both sides until slightly browned and cook until you can easily pierce them with chopsticks.

5) 2. In a frying pan. Pour in the egg wash you made. When the edges of the egg mixture have solidified, move the edges toward the center and gather. Finish by adding ketchup to your liking.


There are two ways to freeze zucchini: boil and freeze,and stir-fry and freeze.

In either case, the food will remain delicious for 2 to 3 weeks, and can be thawed naturally in the refrigerator or used as is for cooking.

If you're having trouble with a large amount of zucchini sent to you from your parents' house this summer, please use this technique.

>> Click here for how to freeze meat

>> Click here for how to freeze fish

>> Click here for other ways to freeze vegetables

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, he became certified as a registered dietitian, and is currently in charge of the lab team manager at DayBreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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