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[Just the meat from the field! ] Introducing how to freeze tofu and meat imitation recipes!

Did you know that freezing tofu gives it a meat-like texture?

Tofu is also used in place of meat in Buddhist cuisine. By using frozen tofu, you can easily make satisfying dishes at home without using meat.

Using firm tofu will give it a chewy texture similar to chicken. Silken tofu has layers that resemble layers of bean curd, giving it a softer texture than firm tofu. Using cheap and nutritious tofu instead of meat can help you save money and lose weight.

It's nice to know that the nutritional value of tofu, which is not water-soluble, remains almost the same even after freezing.

Tofu is easy to use, nutritious, and easy to feed to babies, making it a recommended ingredient for baby food. If you keep a stock of tofu that has been crushed and frozen according to the baby's age, it will come in handy for making baby food every day.

In addition to how to freeze tofu, we will introduce meat imitation recipes and convenient baby food recipes.

Advantages of freezing tofu

delicious looking tofu

It tastes like meat

Freezing tofu gives it a meat-like texture.

It's like making Koya tofu (frozen tofu) at home, which has been repeatedly frozen and dried.

By freezing and draining the water thoroughly, the flavor will soak in like a sponge.

Depending on the dish, you can make the dish more delicious by using different types of firm tofu and silken tofu.

Firm tofu is recommended for flavor-infused, chewy dishes such as fried chicken and simmered dishes.

Silken tofu has layers, so it is recommended as a substitute for pork belly in braised pork cutlets and other dishes.

The fact that tofu is cheap and low in calories can be used as a substitute for meat, which is a nice benefit.

Can be stored for a long time

The expiration date for tofu is said to be two days after opening, but it can be stored for about a month if frozen.

Tofu doesn't have a long shelf life, so even if it's sold at a low price, you won't be able to buy it in large quantities.

If you freeze it, you can buy it in bulk when it's cheaper.

Although the texture will change, it can be used in a variety of dishes, which can save you money.

Freezing storage method

How to freeze the package

It's easy because you can freeze it in the pack you bought.

1) Put the tofu in the bag you bought it in the freezing bag.

Store tofu in a package and freeze it.

If you don't put it in a freezing bag, the inside of the freezer may become dirty when the water expands and the pack ruptures.

2) Place in the freezer and freeze.

frozen tofu

How to cut and freeze

1) Remove the tofu from the pack and drain the water.

take out tofu

2) Wrap the tofu in kitchen paper, place a weight on it, and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Remove moisture from tofu and store

3) Cut the drained tofu into easy-to-use pieces.

Cut tofu and freeze it for storage

4) Wrap each one in plastic wrap, place in a freezing bag to remove air, and freeze in the freezer.

Store tofu by removing air

frozen tofu

How to freeze for baby food

1) Parboil the tofu.

Save tofu for baby food

2) Grind it into an easy-to-use size according to the age of the month.

Freeze tofu for baby food

For babies who don't like the chewy texture, it's convenient to grind it smooth.

3) Divide each serving into ice cube trays.

Save tofu for baby food

4) Remove the air and put it in a freezing bag and freeze it in the freezer.

Freeze tofu for baby food

5) Once it is completely frozen, remove it from the ice cube tray, put it in a ziplock bag, remove the air, and freeze it.

Put tofu in ziplock

open further

How to thaw and storage period

How long does it last?

How to unzip

When using frozen tofu, defrost it and drain the water.

If you have frozen tofu in a package, you can thaw it naturally or by soaking it in boiling water for about 5 minutes.

Tofu that has been cut and frozen can be used as is to make stews, miso soup, etc.

When using meat imitation dishes, thaw it naturally, soak it in hot water, or use the microwave.

By draining the water well before using it, the flavor will soak in and it can be used as a substitute for meat.

Frozen tofu for baby food can be used as is for cooking, but tofu that has been frozen and thawed has broken cells, making it easier for bacteria to grow.

When feeding food to your baby, avoid letting it thaw naturally; heat it first and then let it cool before feeding.

Storage period of frozen tofu

Frozen tofu has a shelf life of about 1 month.

Do not refreeze tofu once it has been thawed, as repeated freezing and thawing can cause food poisoning bacteria.

Cook thawed tofu on the same day.

>> 3 points to keep in mind when preserving vegetables

>> Click here for how to freeze meat

>> Click here for how to freeze fish

5 easy recipes using frozen tofu

It's already a standard! ? Frozen tofu DE Nancha fried chicken

Fried chicken with arranged recipe


・冷凍豆腐(木綿がおすすめです) 2.5丁
✩酒 大さじ3
✩みりん 大さじ2
✩しょう油 大さじ5
✩ニンニク(すりおろし) 1片
✩生姜(すりおろし) 1片
✩鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ2
・小麦粉 100ℊ位
・片栗粉 100ℊ位

<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen tofu, then squeeze out the water by squeezing it between your hands.
2) Tear the tofu into pieces and put them into a bowl or plastic bag containing the ingredients from ✩ and soak for about 20 minutes.
3) Put flour and potato starch in a 1:1 ratio in a plastic bag and mix gently.
4) Add the amount of tofu from 2) to 3) that will be fried at a time, and sprinkle with flour.
5) Fry in oil heated to 180℃ until golden brown.
6) Repeat steps 4) and 5) until all the tofu is used up and fry it all.
If you want it crispy, fry it twice.
7) If there are a lot of tofu crumbs left, discard the liquid, add flour, scoop with a large spoon, and fry.

It will be easier to combine if you don't move it too much and the heat is strong.

I love children! Savory frozen tofu hamburger

Savory hamburger recipe


・冷凍豆腐(木綿がおすすめです) 400ℊ
・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・卵 1個
・パン粉 1/2カップ
・コンソメ(顆粒) 大さじ1
・塩 少々

<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen tofu and squeeze out the water.
2) Finely chop the onions, fry in a frying pan with oil, and remove from heat.
3) Put all the ingredients in a bowl, knead with your hands, then divide into 5 equal parts and shape.
4) Heat a frying pan with oil to medium heat and fry over medium to low heat until browned on both sides.
5) Arrange on a plate and it's done.

Please enjoy it with your favorite seasoning such as Western-style sauce or Japanese-style sauce.

If you reduce the amount of tofu and add ground meat, it will have a meatier texture and become even more delicious.

Convenient for lunch boxes! Minced frozen tofu

Arranged recipe minced meat

・冷凍豆腐 1丁
・しょう油 大さじ2
・砂糖 大さじ2
・おろし生姜(チューブ) 1㎝位
・牛脂またはサラダ油 適量

<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen tofu, squeeze out the water, and chop it finely.
2) Stir-fry the beef fat and tofu from 1) in a frying pan.
If you don't have beef tallow, you can use salad oil, but using beef tallow gives it a meat-like flavor.
You can also add a small amount of ground meat to make it more delicious.
3) Add soy sauce, sugar, and grated ginger to 2), and when the water evaporates and becomes crumbly, it's ready.

If you like, add white sesame seeds to add flavor and make it even more delicious.

Delicious even when cold! frozen tofu nuggets

Arranged recipe nuggets

・冷凍豆腐(木綿がおすすめです) 1丁
・卵 2個
・ニンニク(すりおろし) 少々
・片栗粉 大さじ1
・鶏がらスープの素 小さじ1/4
・塩コショウ 少々

<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen tofu, drain it thoroughly, put it in a bowl or plastic bag, and mash it.
2) Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.
3) Divide into 8 equal parts and shape into an oval shape about 1.5cm thick.
4) Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan to a height of about 1cm, heat it to 180℃, and then gently add the ingredients in step 3).
5) Fry on low heat for about 3 minutes, then turn over and heat for another 3 minutes until done.

It's delicious even when it's cold, so it's perfect for lunch boxes.

Frozen tofu DE cutlet

Arranged recipe cutlet


・冷凍豆腐(絹ごしがおすすめです) 1丁
・卵 1個
・薄力粉 適量
・パン粉 適量
・塩コショウ 少々
・ガーリックパウダー 少々
・白ごま 大さじ2
✩とんかつソース 大さじ4
✩ケチャップ 大さじ1.5
✩ウスターソース 大さじ1
✩砂糖 大さじ1
✩しょう油 少々

<How to make>
1) Cut the thawed frozen tofu into 8 thin pieces and drain thoroughly, being careful not to break them.
2) Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder (or grated garlic is fine if you don't have any), coat with flour, egg, and breadcrumbs in that order, and fry in oil heated to 180℃ until golden brown.
3) Grind the white sesame seeds and make a sesame sauce with the ingredients ✩. Arrange on a plate and it's done.

We also recommend cutting slits in tofu and sandwiching cheese to make cheese cutlets.

Baby food recipes using frozen tofu

It uses tofu, fish, okra, etc., so please make sure that there are no allergies before giving it to your baby.

Freely arrange! Frozen tofu DE soup

baby food soup


・冷凍豆腐(離乳食用) 1キューブ
・溶いた粉ミルク 大さじ2
・ベビーフードのとろみの素(水溶き片栗粉でも可) 少々

<How to make>
1) Place frozen tofu in a heat-resistant container and heat in the microwave to thaw.
If you want a smoother texture, mash the tofu further and puree it.
2) Add the powdered milk dissolved in 1) and the baby food thickener and heat in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
3) Take it out immediately, mix well, and it's done.

Try adding different flavors to the basic soup, such as adding grated vegetables and fruits, or adding texture with boiled and chopped vegetables and fruits.

Great for constipation prevention ◎Salted sweet potato and fish with white dressing

Sweet potato and fish with white dressing


・白身魚 10ℊ
・さつまいも 20ℊ
・冷凍豆腐(離乳食用) 10ℊ
・オクラ 1本
・出し汁 適量

<How to make>
1) Cook the white fish and break it into pieces.
2) Boil the sweet potatoes until soft and make a paste.
3) Mix 1) and 2) well with the frozen tofu that was thawed in the microwave.
If you want a smoother texture, grind it further and puree it.
4) Boil the okra in soup stock, remove the seeds, chop it into pieces, and decorate it on top.

If you are concerned about the texture, you can also mash the okra to make it smooth.


How was the recipe for freezing tofu and imitating meat?

Tofu has a high water content and is often thought to be unsuitable for freezing, but if you take advantage of its change in texture, you can transform it into delicious dishes.

Freezing tofu, which is cheap and nutritious, and using it as a meat substitute is effective for saving money and dieting.

Frozen tofu is a simple and convenient ingredient that can be prepared by simply placing the package in the freezer.

Try freezing tofu, which can also be used as baby food.

>> [What is the expiry date of frozen foods? ] Points to consider for eating deliciously

>> [What is the expiry date of frozen foods? ] Ready-to-use frozen bean knowledge

>> [What is the expiry date of frozen foods? ] What is the best way to use frozen side dishes that are delicious and waste-free?

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, he became certified as a registered dietitian, and is currently in charge of the lab team manager at DayBreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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