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[Explanation of how to fry! ] Introducing how to freeze spring rolls and 5 carefully selected recipes!

Many people may find it difficult to prepare spring rolls.

Wrapping each spring roll one by one is a time-consuming and difficult task.

Freezing can solve this problem.

We will introduce recipes for spring rolls, including how to freeze, thaw, and fry them.

Advantages of freezing spring rolls

Advantages of freezing spring rolls

You can save the spring rolls that you didn't finish eating.

Spring roll wrappers are usually sold in packs of 10 or more. If you cannot eat all 10 pieces at once, we recommend freezing them for a longer shelf life (about 1 month).

You can save time by freezing it

Making spring rolls by hand requires cutting the ingredients, frying them, and then rolling them, which is very difficult.
If you store them in the freezer, you can enjoy delicious homemade spring rolls anytime by simply frying them or heating them in the microwave.

You can cook as much as you want, when you want, which expands the range of uses.

You can cook as much as you like, whenever you like, as a side dish when you live alone, as a snack for an evening drink, as an extra dish when you're feeling lonely at the table, or as a side dish for a bento box.

How to freeze spring rolls

How to freeze spring rolls before frying

How to freeze spring rolls

1) Wrap each spring roll that has been cooked to the state before frying in plastic wrap.
2) Arrange items 1) on a metal (aluminum, etc.) tray so that they do not overlap and place them in the freezer.
Metal trays have high thermal conductivity, allowing heat to dissipate quickly. Freezing the spring rolls as soon as possible will prevent frost from forming on them and preserve the flavor of the meat.

How to freeze spring rolls

3) Once the spring rolls are frozen, place them in an airtight container (Ziploc, Tupperware, etc.), remove as much air as possible, and store in the freezer.
This is to prevent it from deteriorating due to exposure to air in the freezer.

How to freeze spring rolls

How to freeze spring rolls after frying

1) After frying, remove the heat from the spring rolls.
2) Wrap in plastic wrap by the number of pieces you plan to use at one time. (For side dishes, lunch boxes, etc.)

How to freeze spring rolls

3) Arrange items 2) on a metal (aluminum, etc.) tray so that they do not overlap and place them in the freezer.
4) Once the spring rolls are frozen, put them in an airtight container (Ziploc, Tupperware, etc.) and store them in the freezer with as much air removed as possible.

How to freeze spring rolls

How to freeze spring roll wrappers

When making spring rolls, you may not have enough seeds and end up with extra skin. In that case, you can freeze just the spring roll wrappers, so I will show you how to preserve them.
1) Place every other piece of skin between plastic wrap or cooking paper.
This is to prevent the skin from sticking together when thawed.

How to freeze spring roll wrappers

How to freeze spring roll wrappers

2) Wrap it in plastic wrap, put it in a sealable container (freezer pack or Tupperware), remove as much air as possible, and put it in the freezer.
This is to prevent the skin from drying out.

How to freeze spring roll wrappers

Can you freeze seeds?

How to freeze spring rolls

You can freeze the seeds, but you will need to thaw them before using them, then wrap them in the skin and fry them. If you wrap the skin and then freeze it, you can fry it while still frozen, so there is no advantage to freezing the seeds.

Therefore, it is recommended to keep the seeds refrigerated. Make sure to wrap it tightly to prevent air from entering as much as possible and use it up within 2 days.

How to cook and thaw frozen spring rolls

How to cook and thaw frozen spring rolls

How to cook frozen spring rolls

If you thaw the spring rolls before frying, the skin will become soggy and break easily.
Therefore," Fried from frozen”.
1) Place frozen spring rolls in oil heated to 160℃.
Start frying at a low temperature. If you fry it at a high temperature from the beginning, the inside will not be cooked and only the surface will burn, so we fry it slowly at a low temperature.
2) When the surface turns golden brown, turn it over and wait until both sides turn golden brown.
3) Raise the temperature to 170℃~180℃ and fry until crispy.
4) When the surface is crispy, take it out and drain the oil.

How to cook frozen spring rolls after frying

The day before you want to eat it, move it to the refrigerator and let it thaw naturally.
2) Complete by heating 1) in the microwave.
Of course, you can just heat it in the microwave, but if you want to make it even crispier,
①Fry 1) again
②Place 1) on crumpled aluminum foil and heat in a toaster oven.
They tend to burn in the toaster, so keep an eye on them while heating to avoid burning.
③Heat 1) in a frying pan with a small amount of oil.
There is also a method.

How to thaw frozen skin

Please put it in the refrigerator to thaw naturally about 2 hours before using. Frozen skins break easily, so be careful when handling them. The storage period is approximately 1 month.

Storage period of spring rolls

Spring rolls are
Several hours at "room temperature" (because the skin absorbs moisture from the ingredients and the ingredients themselves are easily damaged)
When storing only the seeds in the refrigerator, it takes about 2 days.
(Spring rolls cannot be stored in the refrigerator when they are rolled, as the skin absorbs moisture and is easily damaged, and the texture and ease of cooking are not good.)
It can be stored for about 1 month by freezing.
Freezing is the only effective way to preserve spring rolls.

Exquisite! 5 spring roll recipes

Here we will introduce an arrangement recipe for spring rolls that allows you to use leftover spring roll wrappers. All of the menu items are easy to make, so please give them a try.

Accented with perilla leaves! Fillet cheese spring roll

Chicken fillet cheese spring rolls accented with shiso leaves


The cheese can be wrapped in the spring roll wrapper, making it easy to prepare and perfect for lunch boxes.

ささみ 3本
塩こしょう 適量
酒 適量
スライスチーズ(ピザ用チーズでも代用可) 5枚
大葉 10枚
練り梅(梅干しのタネを取り包丁でたたいたもの) お好みで
水溶き小麦粉適量 皮接着用
サラダ油 適量

<How to make>
1) Remove the sinew from the chicken fillet.
2) Sprinkle salt, pepper, and sake on the chicken fillet from 1) and place in a heat-resistant container.
Cover with plastic wrap and heat in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Once it's cooked, break up the fillets finely with your hands.
3) Divide the sliced cheese into two equal parts.
4) Place the cheese from 3) and the tenderloin fillet (and the plum paste if you like) just below the skin of the spring roll, and start rolling from the bottom.
5) At the position where it is rolled twice, tuck half of the shiso leaves in between.
6) Fold in both sides, roll until the end, and secure the ends with water-soluble flour.
7) Heat salad oil in a frying pan and fry the spring rolls until golden brown.

Easy lunch box cabbage and hamchee spring rolls

Easy lunch box cabbage and hamchee spring rolls


The green of the cabbage, the pink of the ham, and the white of the cheese will look great in your lunch box!
I like that it's easy to make.

春巻きの皮 1枚
キャベツ 1/2枚
ハム 半分
スライスチーズ 1枚
黒コショウ お好み
水 お好み
油 お好み 

<How to make>
1) Cut the cabbage and ham into strips.
2) Place ham, cheese, and cabbage on the spring roll wrapper in that order. Sprinkle black pepper at the end if you like.
3) Roll up the spring rolls. Glue the end of the roll with water-soluble flour.
4) Add color in a frying pan with plenty of oil and it's done.
When freezing cabbage, the trick is to remove as much water as possible from the cabbage. You can also sprinkle it with salt and squeeze it out.

Pork and pepper spring rolls

Cabbage rolls arranged with mini hamburgers


These spring rolls are addictive with just the right amount of sourness and the texture of green peppers.

お酢 大さじ1
春雨 15g
たまねぎ 1/2個
豚ひき肉 100g
春巻きの皮 4枚
サラダ油 適量
こしょう 少々
オイスターソースかしょうゆ 大さじ1
片栗粉 小さじ1/2
水大さじ 1
小麦粉 小さじ1
水小さじ 1/2

<How to make>
1) Soak the vermicelli in boiling water or cold water for the specified time. It is easier to eat if you cut it into lengths of about 5cm.
2) Finely chop the peppers and onions.
3) Add minced pork, vinegar, oyster sauce or soy sauce to a frying pan and mix over medium heat.
4) When the meat is cooked, add the onions. Once the onions are soft, add the green pepper and then the vermicelli. At this time, let's boil the peppers so that they retain their texture.
5) Once the flavor is mixed, season with pepper.
Add the water-soluble potato starch mixed with [A] and stir-fry.
6) Divide 5) into 4 equal parts and wrap in spring roll wrappers. Glue the end of the skin with water-soluble flour from [B].
7) Pour salad oil into a frying pan to a depth of about 1-2 cm from the bottom and heat it, then fry the ingredients in step 6.

Curry remake stick spring roll & cheese

Curry remake stick spring roll & cheese


This is an arrangement menu that simply wraps leftover dry curry with cheese and spring roll skin.
It is sure to be very popular with children. It will be a menu that goes well with rice!
You can also use regular curry, not dry curry.

カレー(残りもの)あるだけ (ドライカレーでも普通のカレーでも可)
普通のカレーの場合 じゃがいも 適量

<How to make>
1) For dry curry, you can leave it as is. For regular curry, adjust the consistency by heating it in the microwave until it becomes soft, then mashing it and adding it. (Make it thick enough to be placed on spring roll wrappers)
Wash the potatoes with their skins, wrap them in plastic wrap and heat in the microwave until they are soft. Peel and crush the skin and add to the curry to adjust the taste and consistency.
2) Cut the spring roll wrapper in half horizontally. Cut the sliced cheese into thin strips and place it in front of you.
Leave a little space on both ends.
3) Place the cooled curry on top of the cheese. Layer cheese on top.
4) Apply water-soluble flour to the edges of the skin on the three sides other than the one on which the cheese and curry are placed.
5) Roll up from the front. After wrapping, press both sides with your fingers to make sure they stick together.
6) Put the ingredients in step 5 into a frying pan with oil and fry slowly over medium-low heat.
The skin is easy to tear, so be careful when working with it.
7) Once golden brown, serve on a plate and it's done.

Sweets spring rolls with rice cake and red bean paste

Sweets spring rolls with rice cake and red bean paste


The crispy texture of the spring roll skin and the chewy texture of the rice cake are irresistible. Why not try making Japanese sweets easily using spring roll wrappers?

あんこ 適量
サラダ油 適量
■ 水溶き小麦粉
小麦粉 大さじ1
水 大さじ1

<How to make>
1) Cut the rice cake into 4 equal pieces lengthwise.
2) Place two mochi side by side on the front side of the wrapper, place the red bean paste on top and roll.
Secure the end of the roll with water-soluble flour.
(When using daifuku instead of mochi and red bean paste)
Pull it out a little to make it long and thin, stick the two together, place them side by side, and roll them. Secure the end of the roll with water-soluble flour.
3) Apply a thin layer of salad oil to the surface of the spring rolls and bake in the toaster oven until golden brown.
Spring roll skins tend to burn easily, so keep an eye on them while they're baking to keep an eye on the color.


The reason spring rolls are difficult to store is because the skin absorbs the moisture from the ingredients. If the skin gets sticky, it will tear easily and it will be difficult to fry it crispy.
Therefore, it can be said that freezing rather than refrigeration is the most suitable preservation method.

In order to make even more delicious frozen spring rolls, it is important to use ingredients that do not release moisture easily.

Also, when frying, the important points were to ``fry from frozen'' and ``fry from a low temperature.''
Keep these important points in mind and make the most of your homemade spring rolls.

This article was supervised by

Tomoki Toyama

ARTLOCK Lab Manager/Registered Dietitian/Cook
Tomoki Toyama

Fascinated by French cuisine, he entered the world of cooking. Traveled to Europe and trained at a two-star restaurant. After returning to Japan, he continued to study at Japanese restaurants and members-only hotels, working in departments such as appetizers, main dishes, breads, and desserts. In order to contribute to society and solve problems through food, I became certified as a registered dietitian, and am currently in charge of the lab team manager at Daybreak, which conducts research on food and freezing.

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