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[Storage period is significantly extended! 】Why should you vacuum freeze?

If only the shelf life of food could be extended even just a little! Have you ever thought that?

If the storage period is extended, it will be possible to maintain good quality for a long period of time, allowing for cost reduction and thorough quality control for commercial use.
It is especially needed in a variety of places where food needs to be frozen, such as restaurants, food processing plants, and food manufacturers.

The best way to freeze food is to avoid exposing it to air, i.e. to create a vacuum, which will prevent quality deterioration and allow for long-term storage.

It suppresses oxidation, drying, and bacterial growth, and prevents freezer burn when stored frozen.

You can achieve the same effect at home, so I would like to show you how to do it.

Why vacuuming can suppress quality deterioration

vacuum pack

To create a vacuum means to remove air from a storage container or storage bag and seal it tightly. It is generally called vacuum pack or vacuum packaging.

If you leave food such as meat, seafood, vegetables, and cooked products in the same state, they will quickly deteriorate, deteriorate, and rot.

The cause is the air. By creating a vacuum, you can suppress three causes of quality deterioration.

Can suppress oxidation

When food is exposed to air, it oxidizes and loses its flavor and taste. Oxidation occurs when ingredients in food change in quality due to combination with oxygen in the air and the action of enzymes.

For example, if you leave the skin on an apple, it will turn brown due to oxidation.

When food oxidizes, it not only loses its taste but also loses nutrients and quality deteriorates. Oxidation can be suppressed by not exposing it to air.

Can suppress bacterial growth

Food spoilage is caused by bacteria breeding and multiplying. If bacterial activity can be suppressed, it is possible to prevent spoilage and maintain good quality.

Bacteria cannot grow without oxygen, so creating a vacuum can suppress bacterial activity.

Can prevent dryness

When the water in food evaporates and dries, the flavor and texture deteriorate. By not exposing the food to air, you can prevent the moisture in the food from escaping.

Conversely, it can also prevent dry foods such as dried fish from becoming damp.

In this way, the causes of quality deterioration, such as oxidation, bacterial growth, and drying, can be suppressed, making it possible to maintain good quality.

Vacuum packaging is used for refrigerated storage and room temperature storage, but it is also used for frozen storage. Freezing can extend the shelf life by suppressing enzyme activity and preventing bacterial growth.

However, it is difficult to maintain good quality due to the transfer of odors and freezer burn.

Freezer burn is when meat, etc. left in the freezer for a long time makes it look like it's been burnt and loses its flavor. Freezer burn is also caused by the air inside the freezer.

Direct contact with cold air will remove moisture from the food and dry it out. By creating a vacuum to avoid exposure to air, you can prevent freezer burn and preserve the flavor.

Vacuuming can significantly extend the storage period.

By applying a vacuum, quality deterioration can be suppressed and the storage period can be extended.

The shelf life varies depending on the food being stored, but as a guide, if refrigerated, the shelf life will be approximately 1.5 times longer.

If frozen, the shelf life can be extended by 2 to 5 times. Especially when frozen in a vacuum, you can prevent freezer burn, oil burn, and discoloration, which greatly extends the shelf life.

Although quality deterioration can be suppressed by vacuuming, deterioration will inevitably progress if refrigerated or stored at room temperature. If you want to preserve food for a long time, it is recommended to freeze it.

However, depending on the food you want to preserve, there are some foods that are best kept at room temperature, and some foods, such as raw vegetables, that are not suitable for freezing. Therefore, it is important to store food at the optimal temperature.

Storage period of meat, fish, and vegetables when vacuumed

vacuum packed fish

Let's take a look at each food item to see how long it can be preserved by vacuuming it.

Meat that can be stored for 3 days under normal refrigeration will now be able to be stored for 5 days.

The normal storage period for frozen meat is about 4 months, but by vacuuming it, it can be stored for up to 1 year.

The shelf life varies depending on freshness, but if the fish can be kept refrigerated for 3 days, it can be kept for 5 days.

Frozen fish can normally be stored for 6 months, but by vacuuming it, it can be stored for 2 years.

Depending on freshness and type, vegetables that can be stored for one week in regular refrigeration can be stored for two to three weeks under vacuum.

[Dried meat and fish]
The normal storage period at room temperature is 6 months, but by applying a vacuum to prevent moisture, it can be stored for 1 year.

The normal storage period at room temperature is 6 months, but it can be stored for 1 to 2 years in a vacuum.

[Jam, compote, etc.]
Boiled fruit will last about 30 days in the refrigerator, but can be stored for 90 days by vacuuming.

[Stewed dishes, soups, etc.]
The normal shelf life in the refrigerator is 3 days, but it can be stored in a vacuum for 7 days.

Application examples of vacuum packaging, ideal for freezing food storage

Commercial vacuum pack


Vacuum packing and storage are used in a variety of places, including restaurants, food processing plants, and food manufacturers.

In particular, when frozen, it is possible to maintain good quality for a long period of time, which has advantages in terms of cost reduction and thorough quality control.

Therefore, I would like to introduce three examples of the use of vacuum preservation.

Reduce labor costs

Restaurants can reduce labor costs by making food in bulk, vacuum-packing it, and storing it in the freezer. You can prepare and store food during your free time and then serve it during busy hours or on busy days of the week.

We can operate with fewer people, and we can move early morning and late night work forward to daytime.

Pre-cooking allows for planned production and enables us to respond to sudden bulk orders. It also has the benefit of leveling out work and improving the working environment.

Loss reduction

At butcher shops, meat can be kept fresh for long periods of time, reducing waste loss due to quality deterioration.

At food processing plants, it also extends the shelf life of products such as prepared foods and processed products, making it possible to reduce waste loss due to expiration dates.

Additionally, since you can purchase ingredients in bulk, you can reduce purchasing costs. We can reduce costs and produce safe, high-quality products.

Expansion of distribution range

For food manufacturers, vacuuming extends the shelf life and allows products to be distributed over a wide range of areas. It is possible to manage and distribute products while maintaining safety and quality.

For example, perishable products can be delivered while preserving their freshness by preventing discoloration.

In addition, when it comes to side dishes, you can maintain the freshly made taste without losing the flavor. This makes it possible to develop a variety of products, leading to expansion of the trade area.

In this way, the method of vacuum-packing and preserving is used in a variety of places.

Vacuum packaging is also used for rapid freezing. rapid freezing allows food to be frozen without destroying the cells, maximizing freshness and quality.

However, even if you freeze the food in a high-quality state, if it comes into contact with cold air during storage, the quality will deteriorate. Oxidation and drying progress, causing freezer burn.

Therefore, it is important to store foods that have been rapid freezing under vacuum. It is easier to freeze food before vacuuming, but depending on the freezing method and the food, it may be better to vacuum before freezing.

Vacuuming is the best way to preserve food, whether it is refrigerated, frozen, or rapid freezing.


By creating a vacuum, quality deterioration can be suppressed and the shelf life of food can be significantly extended.

It is especially useful when frozen, as it can be stored for a long period of time.

Reviewing storage methods can lead to lower cost production, thorough quality control, and safety management.

If you are unsure of how to preserve your food or want to extend its shelf life, please try storing it in a vacuum.

⇒⇒Click here if you want to achieve high quality vacuum freezing

⇒⇒ Consult about using vacuum freezing

This article was supervised by

Masayuki Kinoshita

Daybreak CEO
Masayuki Kinoshita

The third generation of a long-established refrigeration machine shop that has been in business for 70 years. In 2013, he founded Daybreak as Japan's only company focusing on flash freezing technology and IT. The company has been introduced as a leader in food tech companies in various media and in the book "Food Tech Revolution," and is currently striving to fundamentally change the food distribution industry with "rapid freezing" at its core.

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