[Recommended for lunch boxes too! ] Introducing recipes and methods for freezing pasta!
Do you ever feel like the time it takes to boil pasta is a hassle when you're busy preparing a meal?
I want to use just a little bit for lunch! I want to eat pasta for lunch for one person! I want to make my child eat pasta without using a fire! I have leftover boiled pasta! Such···.
Freezing preserves the solution to this problem.
Commercially available single-serve frozen pasta has recently become a hot hit.
However, if you feel it's a little expensive or don't have the seasoning you like, you can freeze it yourself.
Whether you want to eat pasta every day or you don't feel comfortable boiling just one serving, we recommend boiling a batch and freezing it.
In addition to how to freeze pasta and 5 recommended recipes, we will also introduce bento recipes.
Advantages of freezing pasta
![Frozen meat pasta](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_1.jpeg)
It saves time
Freezing pasta will save you time when cooking.
Many people feel that the boiling time when making pasta is long.
It is convenient to have pasta that has been boiled and then frozen.
You can easily eat it by simply tossing it with sauce or furikake in a retort bag.
It's nice to be able to make pasta just by adding sauce and heating it in the microwave.
Frozen pasta is also useful when you want just one person for lunch or a small amount for a bento box.
When you want to eat something right away, frozen pasta makes it easy to make a meal.
Don't worry if you have leftovers
If you have leftover noodles or pasta you've already made, you can store them for a long time by freezing them.
Freezing is recommended if you have any leftovers, as they can be stored longer than refrigeration and retain their deliciousness.
However, you need to be careful if the sauce contains things like potatoes or boiled eggs.
If the food loses its texture if kept in the freezer, remove it before freezing.
saves money
Every time you boil pasta, you need to boil a large amount of water.
You can boil and store pasta in bulk by freezing it.
If you boil them in bulk, you can save on water and gas costs for boiling water.
You can save money by boiling pasta in bulk and freezing it.
How to freeze pasta
![Image of boiling pasta](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_2.jpeg)
How to freeze boiled noodles
1) Boil the noodles in salted water for a shorter time than the instructions on the label.
![Pasta boiling in a pot](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_3.jpeg)
It depends on your preference, but we recommend boiling it for about 30 seconds if you want to put it in a lunch box as is, about 1 minute if you want to thaw it in the microwave, or about 2 to 3 minutes if you want to boil it and thaw it. is.
2) Rinse the noodles under running water and cool them thoroughly.
![Cool thoroughly under running water](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_4.jpeg)
It removes the sliminess from the noodles and prevents them from stretching.
3) After draining well, transfer to a bowl and coat with olive oil.
![Pasta tossed in olive oil in a bowl](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_5.jpeg)
This prevents the noodles from drying out and makes it difficult for the noodles to stick together.
4) Flatten each serving, wrap in plastic wrap, place in a zip lock to remove air, and freeze.
![Image of wrapping each serving in plastic wrap and putting it in a ziplock bag](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_6.jpeg)
![Frozen pasta](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_7.jpeg)
You can preserve the food deliciously by wrapping it in aluminum foil or placing it in a metal bat, lowering the temperature setting of the freezer, and freezing it as soon as possible at a low temperature.
How to make water pasta and freeze it
1) Soak the pasta in about 400ml of water per 100ℊ of noodles.
For long pasta such as spaghetti, a long narrow case is useful.
For lunch boxes, we recommend folding it in half to 1/4 or using short pasta.
2) Please marinate for about 2 hours, depending on the thickness of the pasta.
![Pasta in water](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_8.jpeg)
It's okay if it's soft and drooping when you pick it up.
There is no problem as long as it takes a long time, but for hygiene reasons, if you leave it to soak for more than one night, please store it in the refrigerator.
Steps 3) and 4) are the same as "2.1 How to freeze boiled noodles."
![Mix olive oil and pasta](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_9.jpeg)
![Frozen pasta](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_10.jpeg)
How to thaw pasta
![Tomato pasta on a blue plate](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_11.jpeg)
How to thaw frozen boiled noodles
Frozen boiled noodles can be thawed in any way, including naturally thawing, thawing in the microwave, or re-boiling.
You can put it frozen in your lunch box as an ice pack.
You can enjoy the flavor by boiling the noodles for a short time, about 2 to 3 minutes, then re-boiling them in boiling water for about 1 to 2 minutes.
You can also heat it in a frying pan with the sauce when it is partially thawed.
If you want to eat it right away, it is convenient to heat it in the microwave.
It is also recommended that you move the pasta to the refrigerator about half a day in advance to thaw it, then use it as is to make cold pasta.
How to thaw water pasta that has been frozen
If you have made water pasta and frozen it, add salt to plenty of hot water and boil for about 1 minute before using.
If you don't have enough hot water, adjust the boiling time a little longer.
You can enjoy the chewier texture of frozen water pasta rather than boiled dried noodles.
No matter which method you use to freeze the food, please consume it within one month.
Storage period of frozen pasta
No matter which method you use for freezing, please consume it within one month.
Poor storage conditions can cause freezer burn, so be careful about how many times and for how long you open and close the refrigerator to prevent the temperature of the freezer from rising.
5 easy recipes using frozen pasta
Freely arrange! basic peperoncino
Source: https://cookpad.com/recipe/4468454
☑〈材料 1人分〉
・冷凍パスタ 1人分
・ニンニク 1片
・赤唐辛子 1本
・オリーブオイル 小さじ2+1
・塩 少々
<How to make>
1) We recommend al dente noodles.
Use foods that have been boiled for a shorter period of time, either by lightly boiling them, thawing them naturally, or leaving them in the microwave until partially thawed. If using frozen water pasta, boil it in plenty of hot water for about 30 seconds.
2) Cut the peeled garlic in half lengthwise, remove the buds, and cut into 2mm pieces.
3) Remove the seeds from the red chili pepper and cut into rounds.
4) Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil and the garlic to a frying pan and heat over low heat until fragrant.
5) If you don't have pasta boiling water, add about half of 1% salt water to a ladle and heat it up.
6) Once the oil has emulsified, add the red chili peppers, then add the frozen pasta, add about 1/4 of the boiled water or salt water to a ladle, and heat.
7) Add salt, mix, and finally add 1 teaspoon of olive oil, mix, and serve on a plate.
Add egg yolks to the basic peperoncino, or add vegetables such as cabbage, mushrooms, bacon, tuna, etc. before adding the pasta to make it your own.
Even mentaiko is delicious! Tarako spaghetti
![Mentaiko cod roe spaghetti](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_13.jpeg)
Source: https://cookpad.com/recipe/4229149
・たらこ(明太子でも可) 40ℊ
・冷凍パスタ 1人分
・バター 30ℊ
・シソ 2枚
・麺つゆ(濃縮タイプ) 小さじ1弱
<How to make>
1) We recommend soft noodles.
Use water pasta that has been boiled for 1 minute, or if using shorter boiled pasta, boil it for about 2 to 3 minutes to thaw.
If the noodles were boiled on time and frozen, you can defrost them naturally or in the microwave.
2) Remove the skin from the cod roe and chop the shiso into 2mm pieces.
3) Put the butter in a frying pan and melt it over medium heat. Once it starts to simmer, turn off the heat and add 1 tablespoon of boiled water or 1% salt water and the noodle soup.
4) Add the pasta and toss lightly, then add the cod roe and toss well.
By placing the frying pan on a wet towel, you can prevent the cod roe from overcooking and enjoy the delicious taste.
5) Arrange on a plate, garnish with shiso and it's done.
You can also substitute seaweed for shiso.
Soft and creamy! Shrimp tomato cream spaghetti
![Shrimp tomato cream spaghetti](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_14.jpeg)
Source: https://recipe.rakuten.co.jp/recipe/1120001140/
・冷凍パスタ 1人分
・海老 好きなだけ
・生クリーム 100㏄
・ホールトマト缶 1/2缶(200ℊ)
・チーズ(すり下ろす) 大さじ2
・塩 少々
・ニンニク(みじん切り) お好みで
・オリーブオイル 適量
・パセリや胡椒など お好みで
<How to make>
1) Bring the frozen pasta back to room temperature and prepare the shrimp.
2) Heat a frying pan with olive oil and garlic over low heat until fragrant, being careful not to burn them.
3) Add the shrimp and lightly sear both sides.
4) Add the canned tomatoes and bring to a boil, then add the noodles and bring to a boil.
5) Add the fresh cream and mix well. While warming the mixture until it boils, add the cheese and melt.
6) When the noodles are al dente, season with salt, place on a plate, and top with parsley, grated cheese, coarsely ground pepper, etc. and it's done.
Smells like butter and soy sauce! Seafood mix DE easy pasta
![Butter soy sauce seafood mix pasta](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_15.webp)
Source: https://cookpad.com/recipe/4381587
・冷凍シーフードミックス 100~120ℊ
・冷凍パスタ 1人分
・バター 20ℊ
・ニンニク 1片
・刻みネギ 適量
・顆粒だし 小さじ1
・醤油 大さじ1
・バター(仕上げ用) 10ℊ
・黒胡椒 お好みで
・塩 適量
<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen pasta and frozen seafood mix.
2) In a frying pan with melted butter, fry the garlic and seafood mix over medium heat, then season with salt and pepper.
3) Add pasta and a ladleful of boiling water or 1% salt water.
4) Once the heat is high, add chopped green onions, dashi granules, soy sauce, salt and pepper, and butter for finishing and mix.
5) Arrange on a plate, sprinkle with black pepper if you like, and it's done.
You can also enjoy it deliciously by topping it with chopped seaweed.
Delicious even without fresh cream! avocado cream pasta
![avocado cream pasta](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_16.jpeg)
Source: https://cookpad.com/recipe/2379484
・冷凍パスタ 1人分
・アボカド 1個
・牛乳 100㏄
・オリーブオイル 大さじ1
・おろしにんにく(チューブ) 2㎝
・コンソメキューブ 1個
・塩 ひとつまみ
・粗挽き黒胡椒 適量
<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen pasta and cut the avocado into cubes.
2) Heat a frying pan with olive oil and garlic over low heat until fragrant.
3) Add avocado and stir-fry, then add milk, consommé, and salt and simmer until it thickens.
4) Turn off the heat, then add the noodles and mix.
5) Arrange on a plate, sprinkle with coarsely ground black pepper if you like, and it's done.
Frozen pasta lunch box recipe
Perfect for penne DE bento! Bolognese with lotus root
![Bolognese with lotus root](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_17.jpeg)
Source: https://cookpad.com/recipe/3705149
・蓮根 170ℊ
・豚ひき肉 150ℊ
・玉葱 1/2個
・ペンネ(冷凍パスタでも可) 70ℊ
・ミートソース(レトルト) 1パック(220ℊ)
・オリーブオイル 大さじ1
・塩コショウ 少々
・ニンニク(チューブ) お好みで
・砂糖 ひとつまみ
<How to make>
1) If using frozen pasta, thaw it, and if using dried penne, boil it in 1% salted water for the specified time.
2) Cut the lotus root into thin slices and soak in water. Finely chop the onion.
3) Heat oil in a frying pan, fry minced meat and onion over medium heat, and season with salt and pepper.
4) Once the meat is cooked, add the drained lotus root and stir-fry until it becomes translucent.
5) Add penne, stir-fry further, add meat sauce, garlic, and sugar, mix with the sauce, and it's done.
You can make it using frozen pasta, or you can cook it, put it in a silicone cup, wrap it in plastic wrap, and freeze it in an airtight container.
However, avoid storing frozen pasta in silicone cups as this will result in refreezing.
Recommended for lunch boxes! Pasta DE gratin
![pasta gratin](https://shunkashutou.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/m-pasuta_18.jpeg)
Source: https://cookpad.com/recipe/3480194
・冷凍パスタ 200ℊ
・玉葱 1/2玉
・ひき肉 20ℊ
・ケチャップ 100㏄
・塩コショウ 少々
・ホワイトソース缶 1缶
・チーズ 適量
・バター 適量
・サラダ油 少々
<How to make>
1) Thaw the frozen pasta and if it is long, cut it into short pieces to make it easier to eat, and slice the onion.
2) Heat oil in a frying pan, fry onion and minced meat, add pasta and mix.
3) Add salt, pepper and ketchup to make a light Napolitan.
4) Place Napolitan in a buttered silicone cup, then top with white sauce and cheese.
5) Bake in the oven until browned and it's done.
You can also wrap it in plastic wrap and store it in a ziplock bag before baking it in the oven. In that case, please use boiled dried noodles to avoid refreezing.
We also recommend putting leftover cooked pasta in a silicone cup, wrapping it in plastic wrap, storing it in an airtight container in the freezer, then adding white sauce or cheese and baking it in the oven. If you want to make it easily, you can just sprinkle it with grated cheese and breadcrumbs and toast it in the toaster.
How do you freeze pasta and what are some recommended recipes?
There are four points to keep in mind when freezing pasta.
① Shorten the boiling time.
② Wash the noodles with water. ,
③ Add olive oil. ,
④Wrap each serving in plastic wrap and place in a ziplock bag.
If you are not particular about the texture or are using it for gratin or lunch boxes, divide the leftover pasta into small portions and freeze them.
Whether you want to save money, save time on cooking, or have leftover pasta, try freezing it.